MovieChat Forums > Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (2016) Discussion > Oh, BOO HOO HOO. Poor widdle man babies...

Oh, BOO HOO HOO. Poor widdle man babies...

...can't stand the idea that ONE SHOW




is hosted by a woman, with a woman's viewpoint and a woman's humor.


Out of HOW MANY dozens of shows that have been hosted by men in the history of TV?

My gods, what a bunch of whiny, punkass little crybabies you are. You pee your pants in terror at the idea that ONE WOMAN might get a chance to air all the stuff we've been DYING TO SAY TO YOU FOR CENTURIES.

But you BIG STRONG MEN can't stand that. My GODS, how can you LIVE if you have to hear the slightest bit of criticism? Your poor poor fee-fees get SO HURT OMG.

You want hurt? Try being a WOMAN for ONE FREAKING DAY. Just ONE. You'd roll over like little dogs and cry yourselves to sleep, you sad little pussies. Clutching your tiny little balls and wailing about how IT'S NOT FAIR OMG that there be a SINGLE late night show devoted to women's issues.

Bunch o' candyass little cowards.


We are sorry that






The show is intellectually dishonest. We do not need any more of those regardless of the political bend. They are all designed to bring a viewer to a predetermined conclusion using reverse engineering based on liberal or conservative thoughts depending on the show in question. Nothing is ever honestly analyzed because the conclusion might say abandon both major parties. If Miss Bee were the liberal she claims she is then she would have been pushing Warren or Sanders. Instead we see in one of the earliest promos that Bee is standing outside a book store clutching a book that obviously is pro Hillary who is anything depending on which way the political wind is blowing. This was very early in the Democratic selection process. Enough of snarkyness. Bring back the days when political shows were dry to the point of putting you to sleep as those shows openly and honestly discussed issues.


By the way I guess you never heard of Ellen Degeneres who has had a show for many many years. The Chew which is mid-afternoon and has a mostly female lineup. Joan Rivers was the Tonight Show's main sub and Joan would have been the replacement had she not crossed the street on Johnny Carson. Time of day is irrelevant as most people have careers and Tivo such programs. Samantha Bee can not even stay on the air consistently at this point so you can not rely on her anyways. You are making an issue that has no basis in reality. Miss Bee is a phony in my opinion as if she were true to her Canadian liberal roots she would not have backed Hillary during the primary season. I suspect that Rush Limbaugh gets money from certain political groups to put out certain messages and I would bet that Bee is also getting money. Perhaps from the Clinton's themselves.


LOL this post reads as though it's a transcript from an actual show. Is that you Samantha? I can just picture these words screeching out of her little scrunched up face.


Lmao!!! Nailed it


Yeah, we just don't get the humor in being insulted. Silly us!


Hi Sparrowhawk. I am middlle-aged feminist and I love Full Frontal. I too am frustrated with all the men who come on this board and complain about Samantha Bee's views. You can be a "riot grrrl" (sorry, my generation) and piss all those males off or you can tone down the language and show, with evidence, how wrong these "punk-ass crybabies" are. Honestly, it will probably not change a single one of their minds, but it will make you more credible.

Do it. I am on your side.

There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people. – G.K. Chesterton


No. No more concern trolling, no more derailment, no more tone policing, especially from self-described feminists.

No more "if only you were more careful and pleasant and NICE in the way you expressed your opinion, then you'd be 'more credible'" because that is bullsh*t. So if you are really a feminist and not a nice little concern troll, knock it off right now.

"The tone argument is a form of derailment, or a red herring, because the tone of a statement is independent of the content of the statement in question, and calling attention to it distracts from the issues raised. Drawing attention to the tone rather than content of a statement can allow other parties to avoid engaging with sound arguments presented in that statement, thus undermining the original party's attempt to communicate and effectively shutting them down."

Quoted from here:

I say it's more than time to start yelling, be rude, loud, and sure of ourselves enough to have the courage of our convictions to express ourselves without self-censorship. Being polite never got nobody a single civil right, ever.


I'm a woman and I find this show utterly uninteresting. Other than you, no one is being a cry baby.


Really? Cause it looks like 90% of the threads here are people crying about how they hate it sooo
Don't watch it? I guess? I don't go to pages for shows I don't like and start threads hollering about how stupid I think they are. Why would I? How self-centered would I have to be? If someone likes the Realhouse Wives, I don't feel the need to bark my negative opinion about it to them, in their space. What would I be trying to accomplish? just silly.


Very good point, Dripship. I haven't thought about this before, but I sometimes check out shows, watch them for 2-3 episodes, and decide they aren't for me. I never feel I am qualified to comment on them based on that limited experience, and I am willing to try them again if someone I respect convinces me: example American Horror Story.

There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people. – G.K. Chesterton


Discourse, discussion, etc.

Do you think after everytime someone watches a movie they have to like it to critique it on this site?

Oh well, won't matter in a week anyways.


Lighten up, Francis.


So you are saying that when a woman hosts a show she has every right to spew sexism, and hate and political propaganda, yet whenever a man even slightly hints at one of those he loses his place on the show, the show is likely cancelled and the retarded feminist mobs appear to attack and to shame him.

Grow up you silly little girl. Sexism, anti-gender biases are not acceptable for either gender. If you cant get that through your skull then you are going to get a lot of heavy slap downs in you life when you try and do what this crappy show tries.
