MovieChat Forums > Van Helsing (2016) Discussion > Why is this show called Van Helsing?

Why is this show called Van Helsing?

With 9 episodes into this series I am wondering why the *beep* this show is called Van Helsing when is just the standard apocalypse world done for taken over by zombies or sorry braindead vamps that can walk in sunlight.

I was really hoping for it to get better but it seems to get worse with no real end in sight + I am getting tired of those bitching women always whining about every decision the men makes.

Isnt Vanessa supposed to be a Helsing resurrected to fight the vamps?, she seems more like some random braindead chick with no skills other than turning vamps that bite her.

Someone plz give me some good reason why I should keep watching it for the love of god!


No skills?? What the f**? She is a hell of a fighter. I think you may be whining too much yourself to actually watch was happening.


"Van"essa Helsing is supposed to be related to Abraham Van Helsing


Except that in the show she hasn't been revealed as Vanessa HELSING yet. I'm sure they'll save that for the "big season finale revelation."


So few people here respect the long game with TV series. Everything needs to happen immediately and makes total sense right out of the gate. What's wrong with slowly peeling the onion of the story? Why does she have to instantly be kick ass or Van Helsing or anything else. Slow your roll and let the series evolve.


The long game is fine when talking about critical plot points. But there's so many adaptations out there that are adaptations in name only, and halfway through the season I had given up on the notion that this would be connected to the folklore, and just assumed she was some government project cooked up to fight vampires.

The show is watchable for me in the same vein as Revolution. But it shouldn't take until the season finale to confirm it is indeed based off the source material. It's just not good story telling for me.


What folk lore? Abraham Van Helsing is a character created by Bram Stroker in Dracula. Everything after that is some crazy twist on a character created in 1897. At least this is not a reinventing of Abraham as some myth vampire hunter with shotguns.


Van Helsing is based on Georg Andreas Helwing. The stories of his doings, and the creatures he studied became folklore.


Well, they specifically said that her name was redacted. So yes, in universe they don't know, but as all the synopsis of the show mentioned that she is a descendant of THE Van Helsing, we know why the show has its name


And? They will presumably get to her lineage and her link to the name...what's the rush?


Thanks for all the replys just watched the 10th episode and I am done.
It has turned to garbage and the story even more horrible, let just trust this village that is a pure copy of ternimus from the walking dead "oh its evil we didnt know".

Would have been watchable if it was set in the old times like normal van helsing movies/comics.


I'm with you. It's frightful crap to be fair. Every individual element is just appallingly written, but I'm going to stick with it now. Even if only to cling to the desperate hope that Axel is still alive.


Because she's the great great whatever granddaughter of Abraham van Helsing from Dracula. Her name is Vanessa, so there it is.

I also guess they dropped the Dutch van from the original name because Vanessa van Helsing may sounded a bit silly.


Van Helsing is a species just like Homo Sapiens.


The vampires can't walk in sunlight. They would be fried in seconds. They're able to walk during the day (for the last 3 years) because the volcanic ash from the Yellowstone super-volcano has covered the sky, blocking the sun's UV rays. It's basically nuclear winter.


I just started watching this show on Netflix. I’m also baffled at why they called if Van Helsing. I figured this would relate to Dracula or something. The show is more Walking Dead or Dawn of the Dead
