MovieChat Forums > The Witcher (2019) Discussion > The imposed diversity is just rediculous

The imposed diversity is just rediculous

This is really distracting. Why are they doing it? The blacks, hindus and asians should make their own movies based on their culture. Why are they thinking they need to be in a series based on polish / slavic folklore? It is really strange to watch because you can't take it seriously that way. Mostly they are not even good actors, just put there for the "representation". This is really a disrespect to the source material, and based on this series, the diverse take a major part in something that has nothing to do with their cultural heritage. By the way, in the Witcher books racism is a big thing. Elves, humans and dwarves hate and fight each other. But that somehow does not apply to the diverse people in this series, and that just does not make any sense. Alright, ok. Thanks that they allowed Geralt to be a white male.


Man, I hear you, but it's one of the least problems of this show.
For starters, apart from names and a couple of mostly castrated stories it has nothing to do with the books.
It's horribly written - I mean, the dialogues can be used in a Scriptwriters Bible as an example of how you should never write. The directing is bad. Characters are all over the place. Motivation, logic are non-existent.
And there is not even one original idea - everything is stolen from somewhere. More than anything it's like the 1990s generic fantasy shows with better production values and less humor.


I've come to expect the diversity, equity, inclusion casting from Netflix. I'm just happy that the Witcher looks like he does in the video games. I never read the books but I've seen the video games. The showrunners put out a casting call for a BAME (Black,Asian, Multi-Ethnic) actress to play Ciri until a bunch of fans started protesting. The show is set in a fantasy land so diverse casting doesn't ruin the show for me. I was a little annoyed that I had to watch subtitles when the mute was using sign language.

There have been a few studies that state that Hollywood has lost money due to a lack of minority representation so that explains a lot of the conscious casting. The success of Squid Game would refute that notion since most of the people in the show were Asian/Korean. Netflix is marketing these shows all over the world so a diverse cast might get more viewers all over the globe. ** BAME casting call **


"There have been a few studies that state that Hollywood has lost money due to a lack of minority representation"

I bet those are some bullshit studies ...

And the solution is not to get European tales and shoehorn blacks in them but to create new stories ...


I am simply baffled by the crazy notion that throwing blacks in a movie is going to increase ticket sales. Blacks are a declining demographic in America somewhere around 12.5% right now and in the rest of the world that actually have theaters they are even less. The only place they are significant is Africa and the economy is such shit there that you aren't going to make much money from a population more focused on finding food than seeing a movie.

In the US, I could understand chasing hispanic or asian viewers as at least they have money to buy tickets, but when the majority of blacks are living off EBT card how exactly does the brain trust in Hollywood think they are going to sell tickets to a group with no money?


My theory is that corporations are monitoring social media trends to make business decisions. I don't think social media represents reality. Many people abandoned social media when they realized their data was being used and they could be cancelled over a stupid tweet. There are also a lot of fake social media accounts from scammers and even foreign interlopers.

I wonder if China told Hollywood to become more diverse to get their movies/shows into China. Most of the immigrants that I know are watching shows in their native languages. For example, my Dominican co-worker watched Spanish language telenovelas and another co-worker from Taiwan had newspapers, shows, movies and karaoke songs from Taiwan in her house. My Indian friend in junior high watched Bollywood movies.

Overall, I don't mind seeing actors of color in movies since people of all races need work. I don't like it when cultural/historical icons are gender/race swapped. I'm a bit disappointed that the new Netflix Vikings show is going to have a mixed-race Swedish woman portray a Viking jarl who was a red-headed Scandinavian male.


There have been a few studies that state that Hollywood has lost money due to a lack of minority representation so that explains a lot of the conscious casting.

That's completely false. Hollywood movies are making less money now than ever before, especially in regions where they try to market their "diverse' schlock.

In fact, the movies that do the best in foreign regions are movies that DON'T put diversity first. Check out the top 10 movies that the Chinese liked:

How many of those are filled with "diversity"?

Check out the top 10 movies of the year that were popular in India:

How many of those were filled with "diversity"?

Unfortunately this doomer generation have been completely and utterly brainwashed by falsehoods, lies and propaganda and will continue to believe fakestream media disinformation as Western culture is upended, usurped and destroyed from within.


Yeah covid has nothing to do with movies making less money...


Those are from 2019... BEFORE Covid became a manufactured scamdemic.

But leave it to Liberals to ignore the facts.


The Spider-Man films of the mcu had diverse casts and were financially successful. I'm not a liberal, I don't subscribe to parties like you do. I think deeper than that. Leave it to idiots to make assumptions. Remember when you told me expendables was a better film than mad max Fury road? I sure do that showcased you know nothing about cinema. Remember how you said Dune wouldn't be successful? I could go on and on. The new Spiderman is diverse and had one of the biggest openings ever. So um you were saying?


Try to stay on topic.

None of what you typed has any bearing on the fact that the top grossing films outside of the U.K., and U.S., are not filled with diversity-hires. In fact, the movies are mostly just the opposite. Almost all their films are racially homogeneous or a call-back to classic, masculine action fanfare.

You can cherry-pick all the MCU films you want, but in the broader scope of things, the OP of this thread is right, imposed diversity makes people sick, and it doesn't even sell, as evident with the top-grossing film lists in other regions.


Why does that matter when the us is where movies typically make the most money? It's idiotic logic because diverse movies in the us can still make plenty of cash.

It doesn't sell in other places but as evident it does just fine making money here. Why not move over there if you want that?

Also we do get masculine action films here John wick says hi. Do we get them as much no but that has to do with the superhero boom. Also movies like expendables being trash doesn't help your case when it comes to movies like that. If more were like johh wick I would be first in the theater to support it. Dredd 2012 was good and even the nobody film with Bob odenkirk wasn't bad.


The SpiderMan films are not so much about diversity as others.

Diversity is ok when well done (and it's not the ONLY thing in the movie).

When all you care about when making the movie is "diversity" and ticking the boxes then you get a failure.

Like Ghostbusters 2016. Like MIB international.


Based. I can't wait for the Chinese or Koreans or whoever to take over the movie scene, I'll check out some of those movies. I liked the witcher but all of the forced diversity is really boring.


Couple of suggestions:

The Gangster, The Cop & The Devil (2019): Super badass flick. Think of it like a modern day, psychopath version of The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly. Ma Dong-seok really steals the show in this one, and the action sequences are top notch. It's a great action, mystery-thriller, too, that was loosely based on real events.

War (2019): It's on one of the lists above. It's a Bollywood flick, so yeah there are dance numbers, but the good part is that there are only two, and one of them is story related (and part of a montage), so technically there's only one embarrassing dance sequence at the very beginning of the film. But the rest of the film is really, really cool. The story is kind of convoluted (like something out of Metal Gear Solid) but the action is pretty awesome, there's even a single-take fight scene in the beginning with Tiger Schroff that's badass, and some James Bond-esque chase sequences sprinkled throughout. In fact, I would say that this could best be described as James Bond + Face/Off + Mission Impossible.

The Outlaws (2017): Another Ma Dong-seok film, only this time he's the cop tracking down some outlaw, illegal Chinese immigrant gangsters. Totally brutal but cool film, and there's such an awesome build toward the final showdown that you'll be biting your nails waiting for the two leads to finally clash.

T-34 (2018): Awesome Russian tank film set during World War II. A lot of people call this "the Fast & Furious of tank movies", and I can sort of see why. But it's far less ridiculous than F&F, but it does have some really inventive and creative tank battles I've never seen before. Plus, no diversity hires!

The Blackout (2019): Another awesome Russian film. Sci-fi action thriller with a twist. Well worth it and it will keep you guessing right up until the end about what will happen next.


Thanks brother I'll definitely be checking those out eventually, I barely watch any movies anymore and this might just be what I needed.


Yeah, same here.

Most of the films I watch these days are older flicks or foreign films because Western media is full of pozz.

Oh, there is one other movie recommendation from the West that I absolutely adored...

Mandy (2018): This is a horror/sci-fi/action-thriller starring Nicholas Cage, and oh boy does he Cage it up (but in all the right ways). I can't think of one other actor who could have fit this part, because it required someone who could express insanity, grief, madness, and anger in both a grounded and surrealistic way. This film is nuts, though. I'm not going to give anything away, but it's a real thrill-ride and the fight choreography is perfectly synced to the mood of the film. Plus, the homage to Phantasm II with the chainsaw fight sequence is just as awesome as it sounds. Huge recommendation here, despite the fact it's a Western film (also there are no diversity hires here or Social Justice nonsense. This film is definitely non-PC, and well worth the watch).

I will forewarn you that it's not for everybody, and it gets pretty gory after a slow start. But if you're into a heavy-metal revenge style flick with awesome weapons and crazy villains, then this is definitely a must-watch.


I started to get into silent era movies, watched Intolerance (1916) a while ago and it was pretty good, got some more on the list I want to see like Birth of a Nation (1915) and Metropolis (1927), I'm sure there are plenty more out there. The thing about Intolerance and Birth of a Nation is that there's some controversy associated with them for being racist or something but I think it's more related to Birth of a Nation which I haven't seen yet. I'm sure there plenty of good movies from that era I know nothing about and will find out.

That's just to say there's also the possibility of watching silent era stuff if you haven't tried that and it's kind of fascinating to see what they thought was normal to portray on screen as opposed to now honestly I think I was more touched by that than the movie itself even though it was a real good movie. You can clearly see how more modern movies are inspired by these, at the end of Intolerance I was reminded of Cloud Atlas (2012).


Oh interesting... I never really gave silent-era films much thought, but I guess I should check out a few.

I saw the animated version of Metropolis, but not the original German film. Thanks for the suggestions.




They like to cast a white "Chad" Thundercock as the protagonist. Then have him romantically involved with average looking women. The target audience is women.


Did the same thing to Wheel of Time.


I noticed you avoided using the word "woke". You're just another mad racist who thinks "If it ain't white, it ain't right".


One who would undoubtedly throw a hissy fit if "The blacks, hindus and asians... " actually did make movies based on their own culture, and it happened to be in some genre that he feels he "owns".

Because the fanboys do that, when "Black Panther" and "Shang-Chi" came out, they bitched and whined for months and years, because comic book movies that didn't cater directly to them existed.


I was thinking on the lines of, if the excuse is because it's all fantasy based, then all such movies should have a diverse cast in it yet we don't see that in Black Panther or Shang-Chi though. You see what I mean? Seems like only certain folk lore or settings that are heavily situated for a mostly White cast would be the most inclusive and diverse-type setting.


Those movies did actually have mult-racial and multi-nationality casts, but you didn't notice because you were so butthurt that the white characters weren't the most important.

Wah wah wah, you don't get to feel like the center of the cinematic universe any more! And won't again! Everyone ought to feel so sorry for you! [Eye roll emoji]


The point is, you don't see any white Wakandans, and you don't see any white people in the....whatever the place with the Dragon was. Western fantasy is based on Medieval Europe. I brings you out of the immersion when you see black people in that setting. Modern Europe is multi-racial, but medieval Europe isn't. Do you think Peter Jackson was Racist? Or Ridley Scott? Ron Howard? Of course not, they just wanted to cast people who looked liked people in a medieval fantasy are supposed to look. Imagine if Pippin was black and Aragorn was asian. The movie would have been much the worse for it. But in the last 10 years people in Hollywood have lost their brains and succumbed to the weird modern cult of "diversity". So you hurt the movie to promote the message, instead of putting creativity first.


Those are some piss-poor unoriginal strawman arguments.

Nobody complained about Black Panther. Whites asked for that movie just as much as Blacks did, and Whites largely contributed to that movie making $1 billion. Nobody asked for a Shang Chi movie, it underperformed, and people forgot about it after a week. Not even the Chinese bothered to support it.

Nobody feels like they own a genre; let the Blacks, Hindus, and Asians make their own stories based on their own cultures, audiences are asking for those people to represent themselves instead of forcing Whites to cater to everyone. Look at Squid Game, it's basically the Korean version of Battle Royale and Hunger Games, and everyone loved it. It was the most popular thing on Netflix. I didn't see anyone come up and say they owned the genre. Instead, it received universal praise.

Black Myth Wukong, a Chinese-developed videogame based on "Journey to the West", is one of the most anticipated games in recent years. People are excited to finally play a cool-looking game staring the Monkey King, one of the most popular and enduring mythological figures in the world.

Let those countries represent themselves, stop demanding Whites to cater to everyone. There's proof that they can represent themselves and succeed in making popular products.


"Nobody complained about Black Panther."

Oh, a noob!

Because if you'd been here in 2018, or 2017 or 2019, you'd have seen the endless whining on the Black Panther and Marvel boards from fanboys who were OUTRAGED that Marvel was making a movie that catered to an audience other than themselves.

So take your racist bullshit and fuck off, there's no point in talking to assholes like you. Begone, before I drop a house on you!


Nice try, but I was there, kiddo. You’re not fooling me or anyone else.

Nothing I said was racist and you know it.

Crawl back into your cave and don’t come out until we say you can come out.


Oh right, not wanting to see black or brown people in your entertainment isn't racist.

[Two finger gesture]


When did I say I didn’t want to see black or brown people?

What I said was I want to see black or brown people represent themselves, and that Black Panther had a lot of praise and support.


Not saying all your points are wrong but I was there plenty of people complained about Black Panther before even seeing it.


Trolls are gonna be around for every big movie whether it’s good or not.

I remember a lot of hype for Black Panther, more than there ever was for Captain Marvel. I remember some journalists tried to claim that right wingers, white people in particular, were hating on Black Panther despite showing no evidence, and despite that Black Panther was surprisingly conservative-leaning in the way Wakanda handled foreign relations.

Nobody had to adjust the score for Black Panther and nobody claimed there were empty seats in many theaters for Black Panther. People criticized Captain Marvel and Brie Larson for their racism and sexism, but not Black Panther or Chadwick Boseman.


Yes but look at the boards of Black Panther right now. All you hear is this movie is woke nonsense, I even heard people call the movie racist because it showed why the villain felt the way he did... I agree with most of what you are saying but what is annoying is people adopt the us vs them mindset at the drop of a hat. People have an itchy trigger finger and delve into that quite easily. For instance people complained about the casting of Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman because she is not white. I find this silly because Catwoman's ethnicity is not essential to her character. Eartha Kitt played her way back in the day. I never once cried about Catwoman being portrayed by a white actress all these years because quite Frankly it does not natter to me. I care that the actress is good for the part. I think Kravitz will be great as her. She is beautiful. I liked Black Panther actually was it perfect? No I have my flaws with it but overall a good film.


Selina Kyle is White. Non-white actresses have played Catwoman before, but they weren't playing Selina. Nowadays, Selina is black in the "Harley Quinn" cartoon show as well as "The Batman". People say white skin doesn't matter for certain characters, but when it comes to Black characters like Blade, Cyborg, Spawn, or Falcon, their skin doesn't matter either, yet people would flip if they were White-washed. There's a double standard these days for who can be color-washed and who can't, which understandably gets fans angry. If they want more black characters, then make new black characters. Zoe Kravitz also said she didn't want Catwoman to be fetishized, even though her sexiness is literally part of her character.

Back to Black Panther, I just visited the boards for the first movie for the last 3 years, I even had it open in another tab as I typed this post, and there's very little if any genuine complaints about the cast being mostly black or that it was woke. There are people that didn't like the movie, but not because it had a Black cast. A few said it was racist while admitting they never saw it, and I won't defend those posts, but they are few. I'll say again, I remember the hype and support for Black Panther. He was one of the breakout characters in Civil War along with Spider-Man, and people couldn't wait to see him in his own movie. In fact his movie made more money than Spider-Man: Homecoming. It got good reviews from fans and critics and there was no scandal to change the ratings like there was with Captain Marvel. If you look at the user scores in IMDB, Metacritic, and RottenTomatoes, you'll see that Black Panther, a mostly black movie, got higher scores than Captain Marvel, a mostly White movie. There's gonna be trolls from both sides of the spectrum, and there’s gonna be journalists that’ll try to stir up controversy. We didn't take them seriously back then, I don't see why we should start now.


Wrong. Catwoman is Selina's alias. Also in Batman Year one Selina Kyle was ethnic in that comic book. She is just mainly portrayed by a white actress so that's what you are accustomed to. Nowhere in any comic book is her ethnicity essential to her character. Selina Kyle is a sexy femme fatale that is an anti hero who is morally gray. She is meant to be a foil and obstacle for Batman. The end that's not tied to ethnicity. The only time I get upset is if the characters ethnicity is essential to the character, case in point a character like Mulan. It hammers in that she is Chinese with a Chinese family. Even if she is adopted the Chinese themes and history is essential. So no you are wrong actually.

Oh Captain Marvel got review bombed hard! I didn't like the movie because it was bland I couldn't care less it's female led or that it's a mainly white cast. I love kill bill or John wick both of which have white leads. I don't care about race or gender I care about if it is well made or not. I felt Black Widow or Wonder Woman were better than Captain Marvel.


I didn't care for Selina's design in Batman Year One, and it's not like she was the highlight of the comic anyway. It's fine if you don't care about a character's race, but others do, it's part of the character's design, same as their gender. Things like age can be adjusted; their costumes can be updated; height, hair color, and eye color can potentially be overlooked depending on the character, but leave their race and gender alone. Keep black characters black, white characters white, Asian characters Asian, etc. If white-washing is bad, then so is black-washing.

There are rare cases where a character can be race-washed and get away with it. Billy Dee Williams played Harvey Dent in Tim Burton's Batman, and while Williams was a likable and charming actor, his role was very small. Another better example would be when Michael Clark Duncan played Kingpin in the 2003 Daredevil movie. I grew up with a fat white Kingpin, but I liked MCD in the role, nobody else at the time could've played him. He was tall, had a low booming voice, and was a beloved actor. Kingpin is a big guy, so there's less options to choose from, unlike Catwoman, where there's plenty of hot white actresses who could play her. MCD was cast because he was the best fit at the time as well as having star power (back when that was a thing), not because of his race. Another example would be Idris Elba as Heimdall in the MCU Thor movies. Elba is popular and I don't believe he's said anything woke, so people were more willing to give him a pass for playing a character from white mythology.

Today, Hollywood goes out of its way to black-wash characters, while leaving non-whites alone. That double standard pisses fans off.


I care when it's essential to the character, if it's not I could not care less. Catwoman's ethnicity is not essential. I know you have a preference as do others but it doesn't change the fact that in that characters case it's not essential. What I can't stand are hypocrites. Tons of people complain about black washing but say nothing when it's reversed. Either we always call it out or not at all. I go a step further unless the ethnicity is essential to the character it should not matter. Also I personally like the year one design.

Again don't care about Harvey Dent because race isn't essential. Did I care that Eckhart was white portraying him? Nope because he did great and the movie was fantastic. Tom Hardy is not Hispanic/Latino yet he played Bane. Banes ethnicity is essential and actually specifically stated. Catwoman's is not yet that gets a pass why?


People complain about white-washing too. The Last Airbender had a lot of problems, but the three main leads' whiteness was definitely one of the key complaints. People also complained about the white female Ancient One in Doctor Strange. A lot of people complained not only about Bane, but the Dark Knight Rises in general.


The dark knight rises got critical acclaim and is on the top 250 of IMDb. Sitting in the top 100 actually and raked in tons of cash. So love from critics and fans. So no I disagree.


You can disagree, but there were many people that criticized it. I remember the IMDb board for that all too well. Go to the MovieChat DKR board right now, you can still see a fair amount of criticism for it, more than Black Panther.

You've got the Nolanites that will 10-star rate any movie Nolan makes, and you've got a lot of casual fans that don't care about comicbook accuracy, that'll help with the high score. But whenever the subject of DKR came up online, it was almost always negative.


That is the vocal minority. Yes the movie got criticized bit as a whole it is a well received film both critically and by the mass majority. Comic book accuracy has to little to no bearing on if a movie gets acclaim or not. Batman 1989 was a huge cultural hit and many things were not comic book accurate. Tons of liberations taken. Same goes for lots of other comic book films. The one that's most accurate to date is sin city. That's not an adaption but a translation.


We’re getting off topic. People criticize white-washing too, and I gave you several examples of it. You might not care about race for certain characters, but others do, and they call it out regardless if it’s White-to-POC or POC-to-White.

Some changes are expected when changing mediums, but other changes are for the most part unacceptable.


I said I care when the race is essential to the character. In Catwoman's case it is not. I'm on board with the criticism if the race is pivotal otherwise it makes no difference. Why was no stink made about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman she isn't white.

Disagree once again. Okay so then you already have your mind made up about the new Batman film then correct? No chance of it being a good film?


People criticized Gal Gadot's casting at first, including me. I'd seen her in the "Fast & Furious" movies and thought she was too skinny. I honestly didn't expect her to gain muscle and curves because overly skinny were somewhat popular at the time. Also she's not a good actress. People ended up liking her because she has a very sweet demeanor, and her accent combined with her appearance gave off an exotic vibe when she was Wonder Woman. Even though she's not White, she can pass off as White, so race-wise I'm fine.

I wrote off "The Batman" long before I learned that Catwoman was gonna be in the movie, let alone that she and other characters like Gordon were gonna be black-washed. I don't care for Robert Pattinson as an actor. Yes, I've seen his other films, Twilight and otherwise, and the only movie I thought he was good in was "The Lighthouse". He does not look the part of Bruce Wayne, at all. The trailers did not really impress me, though the fight scenes at least look better than in the Nolan movies. The DCEU is a mess right now, and I think they should focus on fixing it instead of making unrelated films. If it ends up being good, that's fine, I don't mind being proven wrong. But if it's bad after all, at least I won't be disappointed.


People did criticize Gal Gadot's casting but guess what she has become one of the best casting choices in the DCEU. Also no she can not pass off as white. One look at her and I can tell she is not white. What happened was people liked her because of the demeanor. Her acting range is quite limited but sometimes being the best actor is not what is required for a specific role. Arnold is a limited actor also but he is picture perfect casting as the T800 in the Terminator. Gal Gadot's race swap actually makes more logical sense because wouldn't a woman on an island be ethnic rather than white?

I do not agree with you whatsoever on Pattinson. Gordon's race once again is not essential to his character. Pattinson I feel was great in The Lighthouse and Good Time. Keaton did not look like Bruce Wayne at all but he ended up being a liked choice for the role. The fight scenes look great and much improved on the sub par fights of the Nolan series. Why fix it? There is no fixing that mess dude. BVS Dawn of Justice was one of the worst blockbusters of all time and so was Justice League.

Joker was actually a good film. Anyway you need to also look at who is behind the scenes doing this new Batman film. Matt Reeves is the director. He did excellent work on the apes films. The cinematographer is Greig Fraser the same guy who did the cinematography for Dune. Which means we are in for a great looking film. I like Pattinson because he is an unconventional choice which means he got the role based off of impressing the director than off his star power. Paul Dano is talented as is Colin Farrel. You can be skeptical but this time we have a way more talented crew than with BVS Dawn of Justice.


You are a very stupid person. If you are black then hopefully one day you will understand what racism of low expectations is and realize the person you responded to are the ones who actually consider you a human on the same level as him. If you're not then you're just probably a libtard and who cares what you think!!!!!!!




wtf are you talking about? There is a book series "The Witcher" on which the series is based on, and every character is completely described there. Nobody owns it besides the writer. You are just some tiny person without any respect accusing me of racism. But you are the actual racist here.


Racist AND angry. You 2 for 2.


Don't you know that's what people want and fans are demanding?...... oh.... wait....


I know exactly what you're talking about. Doesn't feel in anyway authentic to the source material. Its like watching a bunch of people cosplaying a larp session based on the books. Its appalling the way they've butchered the lore to appease woke politics. Nothing fits. I absolutely hate it. And I've desperately TRIED to ignore it but anytime I look at a character I have to REMIND myself of thei character they're trying to portray.
