MovieChat Forums > The Witcher (2019) Discussion > Leftist propaganda scars another show

Leftist propaganda scars another show

Feminism is truly a cancer. Forced diversity is absolutely pathetic.


There's plenty of strong female characters in the books.
I hope they will get Gina Carano to play Black Rayla.


Strong female characters does not equal feminism. Modern feminism is the subjugation of men to women, and women acting like all out whores and pretending it brings them some sort of strength and dignity.


Lol incel detected...... you prob write online about how women ignore you even though you tip your fedorah to them and hold the door open saying "milady"


Point out the terrible nature of the left and they respond with "you probably aren't having sex"! Because the left knows what they are doing is wrong and the only childish response they can come up with is about sex. I'm married with 3 children so that blows your nonsense out of the water. But you are clearly a degenerate moron.


You called out what we see on a regular basis, Its true what you wrote about the "modern feminist".

But I dont think The Witcher is ruined by the left. I can see the "agenda" in many movies and shows and sometimes its a fleeting scene or its the entire thing. Witcher has strong men, and Yennefer touted being a "strong woman that need no man and didnt want kids either" but we see how she is hurting for making that original choice and has strived to set right the mistakes she made. Yennefer is the anti-thesis to the modern feminist. She highlights their flawed thinking and this show is putting it all out for those to see.


Hmm, not so much as forum threats complaining about it.


Yes. It is MUCH more pathetic to waste all that time, money and effort creating a fantasy world where black people live alongside white people in equal numbers in an ancient place styled after Europe - all this to normalize and mask that white people are being replaced on a global scale.


Hey, I've seen that movie. There were these alien pods and they killed people and duplicated them, until everyone was an emotionless copy and the human race was extinct. If that's happening for real we have to fight back - before we're all replaced! 😎

You gotta love the paranoia of the far right. Not to mention the overt racism.

I could be wrong, but wasn't there a project named after this guy?


You can call it as you wish, but using the term 'paranoia' in particular is ludicrous. Replacement in western countries is very real.

I suggest you go back to old good 'nazi', 'evil', 'wrongful', 'fascist', 'wicked', 'racist', 'despicable' and similar, that are far more vague and serve for anything.


Nazi, fascist, and racist are examples of words with well defined meanings. Not my fault if some people take liberties with them. For example here's the definition of racism according to Webster:

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b : a political or social system founded on racism

3 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Are people getting wiped out? Because if all you have is immigration, they're just being added. No one is being replaced. That's incendiary nonsense, and if you look at the kind of people pushing it ... by any rational standard terms like racist or white supremacist certainly do describe most of them.


This definition of racism is completely outdated. Language changes, and it takes some time to update dictionaries (people use to stick to the old definitions, like they were written in stone).

(1) Intelligence is heavily linked to genetics (environment and education matters too, but in a much lesser degree). That's not a opinion, that's a fact. And (2) different races/sexes have different average intelligence, and different dispersion (statistical deviation). Again, that's not a opinion, that's a fact. Nowadays, stating those two facts is enough to be labeled as racist.

I find a bit stupid that, in order to not to be labeled as racist, you have to deny reality. But hey, that's our time. I didn't invent it.


Don't know where you got your information. There is in fact no detectable difference in average intelligence from one ethnic group to another, or between males and females. Same with most other characteristics. Skin color and other cosmetic changes can be noticeable in less than a thousand years but cognitive development takes far far longer. No group of humans has yet lived in isolation from all others for anywhere near enough time.

The inhabitants of North Sentinel Island in the Andaman archipelago have probably been isolated the longest (that we know of), tens of thousands of years, possibly since before the last glaciation. We haven't been able to test any of them. They're quite hostile to outsiders. But they exhibit enough ingenuity that it's highly unlikely we'd find them lacking in the brains department. There have been large scale genetic studies and there simply is no basis for what you're saying. None. In fact aside from the cheetah humans are the least genetically diverse species on the planet. Think of us as identical cars, all the same model but with different paint jobs.

One can certainly debate the relative merits of different cultures. That's another issue entirely.


There is in fact no detectable difference in average intelligence from one ethnic group to another


Race IQ
Ashkenazi Jews 110
East Asians (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore) 105
Europeans (Northern and Western Europe is 100; Eastern and Southeastern Europe is 95) 97
American Indians (North and South America) 90
Hispanic-Americans 89
Southeast Asians (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Borneo) 87
Pacific Islanders (Natives of New Zealand, Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Hawaii) 85
African-Americans 85
South Asians (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, the Gulf states, the Near East, and Turkey) 84
North Africans 84
Sub-Saharan Africans 70
Australian Aborigines 62


You posted a link to a right wing website as your evidence. 🤣

I don't know where those numbers came from, but geneticists and evolutionary biologists have debunked white supremacist theories of racial genetic superiority over and over. There is more variation within a given population of humans than between different populations - which is just another way of saying we're all built to the same specs in terms of our DNA.

Bogus information has proliferated in recent years, on a wide range of issues. "Alternative facts" (a.k.a. bullѕhit) has become a cottage industry. Check real peer-reviewed research done by real scientists, working for reputable institutions, you'll find the truth is exactly what I said.


"I don't know where those numbers came from, but geneticists and evolutionary biologists have debunked white supremacist theories of racial genetic superiority"

I don't think this has anything to do with genes. It's cultural.
Also IQ tests are not applicable to every culture on Earth. We are all too different.


Intelligence is heavily linked to genes. Education can improve it, but not too much. The primary factor is genetic.

What you do with that intelligence is cultural. China, for example, has higher average intelligence even than Europe. And they're a billion people. If they had some kind of Germanic culture, men would have already colonized Mars.

You need both things, intelligence and culture. An efficient culture with a low intelligence a population is useless. High intelligence with a shitty culture is useless too. Having one of them is not enough.


• "You posted a link to a right wing website as your evidence"

I used the first link that appeared in google, tell them. You don't like it? No problem, here you have a paper summarizing 30 years of scientific research about cognitive differences between races. As you can see, the conclusion is the same

I suppose that must be far-right too. Anyway.

• "geneticists and evolutionary biologists have debunked white supremacist theories"

And yadda, yadda, yadda. What I have posted is empirical data. No theories. Data. And trying to "debunk" empirical data has a name: religion.


Jean-Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen are both well known figures on the far right, heavily involved with neo Nazi and other white supremacist groups, who attempted to create a veneer of scientific backing for racial hereditary intelligence theories. Pseudoscience is probably the kindest description you will hear from their academic colleagues. They reference a lot of numbers and results from other questionable studies. The mere fact that someone puts figures and graphs in their paper doesn't mean it's solid science. Where did they get them from? And would they justify the conclusions reached, if accurate? Those things are pretty important. One of the hazards of tenure that you occasionally wind up with guys like this in your department.

Among the many connections between the two men (who often collaborated): J. Philippe Rushton was the head of the Pioneer Fund from 2002 until his death in 2012. This is a white nationalist organization that funds studies like the work of Arthur Jensen - who received more than $1 million from them. They campaigned against desegregation during the civil rights movement, against the mere attempt to educate African American children (arguing it was pointless), and continue to crusade against immigration to this day. Read up on these two. It gets a lot worse. Nazi style eugenics, among other things.

Theories of hereditary racial superiority are no more valid than the "science" of climate change denial - look closely at the studies and you'll find sloppy methods, questionable data and conclusions, and ties to people with money pushing the agenda.


I knew it. I KNEW IT!!! 😂

Don't ask how according to this "white" supremacist paper, the ethnicity with the highest average IQ is... Asians. 😆

Or how the paper summarizes about 30 years of research and references about a hundred of papers. All of them must be nazis. NAAAZIIIIS! WH'TE S'PRIMASIIIISTS!


Of course, the truth is far more prosaic. Rushton, or Jensen, or Pioneer Funds are no nazis, or white supremacists, or whatever. They just happened to investigate (or fund) a topic that is considered taboo by the Woke Church: the relation between intelligence or personality and genetics/environment. Pioneer Funds, for example, funded the twin study:
which investigated differences between 8000 identical twins raised in different families. It's a very smart way to tell apart between traits due to environment vs genetics.

Investigating that is taboo. The Woke Church does what churches have done through history: they use label to inspire FEAR and control people. The "white supremacist" label is the equivalent of the "devil worshipper" label used centuries ago. And it works. Most scientists right now are afraid to investigate or even talk about that, because in modern world, being labeled by the Woke Church is dangerous. They won't burn you at the stake (not yet), but they can destroy your career and get you fired.


By the way, Jensen didn't campaign "against the mere attempt to educate African American children (arguing it was pointless)". What he said is that education has a limited impact in intelligence
That doesn't mean that you're "against education" or whatever. It just means that education is not the Holy Grail. It's important, it's positive, but it doesn't make miracles. If a population has a limited IQ, education barely will change it.


Talk about low IQs. That "data" has been refuted. Just because some idiot throws out a bunch of numbers or puts them on a nice colorful graph doesn't mean it's accurate, or that their conclusions represent solid science.

The Pioneer Fund is a well established white nationalist organization that funds a lot of pseudoscience - but is also politically active and counts a number of prominent neo Nazis among its board members. As I said before they campaigned hard against the civil rights movement during the 60's and 70's. More recently (among many other things) they funded an organization which published and distributed a book called The Camp of the Saints. Pretty much at the top of any serious white supremacist's reading list. No one in their right mind would call these people reputable, or believe the conclusions of any work they funded. Unless of course it was widely backed up by the research of others - which that paper you linked to isn't.

Large scale genetic studies of the human population have yielded some interesting results. For example, there actually was cross breeding between homo sapiens and neanderthals. Many of us have gene sequences thus inherited (although it's usually no more than a few percent). There is remarkably little variation from one human population to another though. The minor cosmetic differences between groups of people tend to involve only a handful of genes. No one has found a single sequence that appears in one ethnic group exclusively. The "races" are essentially a social creation based on those minor cosmetic differences. You won't see any sharp dividing lines in our DNA.

What is it with extremists and their terminology? Woke Church. Are you going to tell me about the Zionist Occupational Government too? How about the Deep State? Two more things that don't really exist. White supremacists do though, and the definition is pretty clear: if you believe caucasians are superior to other varieties of human, genetically, intellectually, or culturally, you qualify as one. Devil worshippers exist as well - although no one burns them at the stake these days, they're free to commune with Satan all they want. 😈


• "Talk about low IQs. That "data" has been refuted."

Nope, it hasn't. There has been lot of excuses: "privilege!", "abstract and mathematical test are white oriented!" (no kidding), "education!". Every excuse is failing. Reality is obstinate.

If somebody has any doubt, just wonder how Asians get much higher academic scores than Blacks in western countries, same education system, and here you can't use the 'whites are privileged' excuse.

• "The Pioneer Fund is a well established white nationalist organization"

Translation: they're sinners according to the Woke Church, which labels as 'nazi' or 'white supremacist' anybody who dares to investigate that topic without following the orders of this new Church. History repeats.

• " a number of prominent neo Nazis among its board members"

Translation: scientists who dare to investigate this topic without following the orders of the Woke Church.

• "they funded an organization which published and distributed a book called The Camp of the Saints. Pretty much at the top of any serious white supremacist's reading list."

It's just a novel that predictive the massive African immigration in Europe several decades ago. You know, making the correct prediction is nazi and supremacist! 😄

• "The "races" are essentially a social creation based on those minor cosmetic differences. You won't see any sharp dividing lines in our DNA"

You won't see any sharp dividing line between Europe and Asia. That doesn't mean that Europe and Asia doesn't exist.

• "White supremacists do though, and the definition is pretty clear: if you believe caucasians are superior to other varieties of human, genetically, intellectually, or culturally, you qualify as one."

Whatever, but it was you who talked about 'superiority'. I was talking about something very specific: intelligence. And that's not a "belief". It's a fact. Different ethnic groups have different average IQ. And intelligence and culture are fundamental for the advance and wealth of any country.


Pretty much everything you said has been thoroughly debunked. There is no difference in intelligence between different ethnic groups. Doesn't exist. But there's no point in arguing with someone like you who's been indoctrinated, any more than it's a productive use of time trying to convince one of those climate change denying idiots that they're wrong. You can always find junk science that will support whatever position you want to take. Sorry your brain has been washed, dried, and folded, but that's not my problem.

Vaya con dios. Have a nice life. 🤪




Buddy, for someone who is so against woke culture, you sure do post about it a lot. And almost nothing else.

Didn't think I'd have to say this again after the 90s ended, but GET A LIFE.


Anything else you want to say beyond personal attacks? Something like an actual argument?


'Get a life' is a personal attack now?


"'Get a life' is a personal attack now?"

... said by some anonymous guy in internet, suddenly storming in the middle of a debate with political hints?

Yeap. It is.


Then by internet metrics that makes you a snowflake.

For your delicate sake I hope you never experience a genuine personal attack.


"Then by internet metrics that makes you a snowflake"

And more insults and personal attacks...


Repeating my goodwill for you: I hope you never experience a genuine personal attack.


Repeating my goodwill for you: I hope you never experience a genuine personal attack.

Yeap, I agree yours was kinda meh... but don't feel bad for it. I'm sure you tried your best :-)


My best is reserved for those deserving.




HAHA. He's a snowflake for sure. And he doesn't understand the word "racism".
This guy is a gem.


wow the racists aren't hiding at all on here...


Average Somali IQ: 68

you were saying?


What test do they give them? Do you have a source for that?

A 68 is a mongoloid.


Please don't be racist. A 68 is not a mongoloid, it's enriching and healthy diversity.



'Personal attack' card played in 5... 4... 3... 2...


Hah! Yeah I deleted the post. I've gotten a few msgs from the MODs lately, lol.


More insults, huh? 😄



OK little fella

And more name-telling...


So sensitive!


Not really. I'm just stating the fact that your comments are insults and name-telling.


I'll ask you again for a source. How was the IQ measured? Who administered the test? Who processed the test? Don't just spit out numbers and not think you have to back it up.


Not only that, there are many more sources
But the biggest proof, try talking to some Somalis and other from africa and the middle east, you will notice a difference.

Well, you might not notice a difference, you would be talking to a equal .

But others, like myself, can definitely tell what we are dealing with here.

The truth.... not sure you can handle it though.


Did you read your source? "Academic reviews generally criticized its methodology and conclusions."


Your own "source" refuted the "source"!!!!!!!!!!!!



you know they have to say that.... otherwise, racist!


"you know they have to say that"

Really? That's your defense of citing a study that's been roundly rejected?

You are not very good at this.


Scores of a sample of 2,440 male and female Somalian school students aged 8 through 18 years on the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM+) are reported. The sample obtained a British-scaled IQ of 68. There was no statistically significant difference between the scores of the males and females. The variance was greater among the females than among the males. Key words: Sex differences; Intelligence; Standard Progressive Matrices Plus; Somalia.


True or not that's racist.


"True or not that's racist."



he called the truth racist.... i think we are done here.

lost cause, stop the operation doc, this patient is gone.... flatline this SOB


That study is BS!!!!!!!!!

Your own source refuted it!!!! You owned yourself!!!!!!!!!


Yeap. If they don't like reality, then reality is racist. Wokeness is like a bloody faith.


It wasn't reality!!!! The study cited was crap!!!!!!!




yeahdga ureteu nsosur? bsuiayeos sgsusa nduiys dywaagh! nchiziua gcuaa? ? ?


And read up a few comments. The source I was given on that study refuted it!!!!! It has been roundly rejected in methodology and conclusion!!!!!!!!!!



i do know one thing, we hope you get a somali family as neighbours, am i right kuku?


You are so brainwashed.


no, that would be you

not believing the truth, that is literally being brainwashed


There was a campaign in Sweden to promote diversity and multiculturalism a few years ago. Important and popular people appeared in the media promoting diversity. That was before Sweden started to become a shithole.

In a blog somebody looked where those people lived (they were public figures). And guess what: all of them happened to live in the whiter neighborhoods in Stockolm.


oiplt susia dbduaua qe ???!?!?!! dwdash hggaed paed?


Don't worry, I'm sure the answer is to start endless threads on a movie forum with deliberately inflammatory titles in an effort to make people argue about it, all the while claiming oneself to be so righteously above insults.


This whole conversation is based on a flawed study that has been rejected by most of academia. It's a friggin' joke.

For one they used western IQ tests on Africans. Yeah, nothing could go wrong there. Plus the study ignored things that didn't support it's conclusions. Typical biased study where the conclusion came first, then the study.


of course, and i wonder if this fuckswope is from america, for you see, i am european. i know this stuff, i see it everyday.

I have northern europe IQ, fuckswope have Somali IQ


I'm Scottish, English, and German.


here we go

The lowest IQ on average in the world is 59, while the highest is 108. The country with the lowest IQ score, on average, is the Equatorial Guinea in Africa. Those who reside in The Equatorial Guinea have an average IQ of 59

looks like fuckswope is from Equatorial Guinea.



And the higher IQ of black people in western countries is not really true, it's an statistical lie due to mixing. The offspring of an interracial couple will have (generally) an intermediate IQ, but they'll be considered as 'black'.

If you don't include mixed people, black IQ in western countries would be quite similar to Africa.


sure, and this subject is close to me, this fool defends somalis.

when i was in school a somali migrant raped one of the girls in my sisters class.

it happened on a playground, the bastard was 16 and the girl he raped was only 11, he also anally raped her.... since he was a minor, he only got a couple of years in a juvenile detention center.
had this bastard not been allowed into my country, that little girl and her whole family lives would not have been destroyed....... those things happened and still happens all over europe....... low IQ = rape and crime


Yeap. In my land there's a plague of rape by Africans. Many of them, minors, and almost 100%, foreigners. It's the politically incorrect elephant in the room that nobody dares to talk about.


Exactly, and those who invited them in, are the ones that should be forced to live among them........ but that is never how things playout :-(


Yeah this is MovieChat, not WhiteSupremacyChat.


exactly.... pretty fucking smart to invite millions of them into europe and the united states and canada, right?..... oh joy, diversity YAY


>Because if all you have is immigration, they're just being added.

Replacement of white is absolutely happening. The process is to take tax money from white people and give it freely to non white immigrants. This transfer of wealth encourages white people to have less children and immigrants have more children using the welfare money from white people.


Are pod people from space copying humans and assuming their identities? No? Then nobody's being replaced! That is such a stupid term.

I'm sorry you've been indoctrinated with white nationalist BS. That caucasians will become a minority over the next few decades doesn't make me feel menaced. I guess "whiteness" just isn't a key aspect of my own identity. America has never been about bloodlines. It's about ideas and principles. Ones white supremacists, and the turd about to be flushed from the White House, don't really believe in.


Yes, I think that’s where he lives—in a project.


Yeah I wasn't expecting the 'white genocide' card being played. Honestly. That was a genuine surprise.


oh shut up


Lol you shut up.


Ok, everyone shut up.


You're happy to accept dragons, sorcerers, all manner of other fantasy creatures... but women with power is a no-no?


Apparently. Some men are threatened by strong women. The OP is one of them.


no one is threatened, just tired of the BS .
are you a woman?


Tired of the BS? What BS? Be specific.


Buck Swope.


Ha! Now that's funny!


I'm not threatened by strong women. I'm annoyed at forced political agendas in what are supposed to be movies for entertainment.


Women with power, in every movie, fighting on par with men significantly larger and heavier than them, with the clear intention of promoting "women are just as tough as men" political agendas. I'm tired of that.


two shows on netflix recently

Black Summer - white men are evil, except one: a fat white man. but he ****s shit up all the time with dumbass ideas and has audience screaming "wtf is he thinking? wtf is he doing?"

good characters are black man, white woman, asian woman, and latino/hispanic man

other show was I-Land

bad people are old white man (evil), young white man (rapist asshole), and young white blonde nurse (also evil). minor characters include white incel (evil) and physically and verbally abusive father (white man)

good people are latina (good-looking victim), black man (good-looking victim), and another latina (smartest person, lawyer, sjw)

too predictable

latest show i'm watching has featured 4 white males so far
1 evil murderous incel
1 sexual-assaulting professor
1 abusive father
1 prick w/ rich parents

rest of cast is non-white. smartest character has dark skin


Literally the last 5 things I watched:

Ma: Black female villain tormenting white kids.

Blindspot: Straight white guy lead, last 3 exposed moles/traitors whatever were all non-white and, in two of the three cases, not American. Villains-of-the-week vary.

Succession: Wall-to-wall white folks in lead roles. Yeah, they're all assholes, but there's not a single nice/good person in it anyway. Nearest moral anchor is the straight white guy.

The Rookie: Straight white guy is the lead and moral center of the show. Villains-of-the-week vary.

And The Witcher's lead role is another straight white guy.


And The Witcher's lead role is another straight white guy."

they fucked up the other roles though......


Still waiting on a source for that average somali IQ being 68.


Scores of a sample of 2,440 male and female Somalian school students aged 8 through 18 years on the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM+) are reported. The sample obtained a British-scaled IQ of 68. There was no statistically significant difference between the scores of the males and females. The variance was greater among the females than among the males. Key words: Sex differences; Intelligence; Standard Progressive Matrices Plus; Somalia.


Dunno, man. I didn't have high hopes for this show and I really enjoyed it.
You didn't really go into detail about what specifically felt "leftist" to you about it, but I can't say that I felt a very strong agenda coming from it.
It's sad that yet another ginger has been whitewashed, but oh well.


