Abortion attempt

I don't want to start a pro or against abortion post but Victoria jumping on a couch trying to lose any kind of foetuses was weird. I mean that Queen had the reputation of a very stric moral even for his time. Felt weird to see that.

Also, no way she would have done that in the middle of the night with her husband who want childs sleeping next to her.


there is a lot of pro abortion propaganda out there these days


Firstly, I believe that the idea was that the jumping would stop conception from happening in the first place. Of course, that is not how it works.

And as for Queen Victoria having strict morals, this scene is about her when she was still a vivacious newly-wed young woman in her early 20s.
It is not like she already was the grumpy-looking elderly woman, that became our best-known image of her.


But even in the first episodes victoria seems to have very high morals standards. Remember that lady Victoria thought she was pregnant and had to had an examination by doctors ? Victoria was saying something like no way a woman pregnant ouf of wedlocks should be near me. Yet she's trying to abort. Big contradiction here.


She wasn’t trying to abort. She was trying to prevent fertilization by “shaking down” the sperm in her vag by jumping.


I find it ridiculous that they keep having her act like a modern-day teenager, complete with the immature behavior, when Victoria was very much not an ordinary teen, even before her coronation. She had to grow up surrounded by adults and matured much faster than other girls her own age. She was feisty, no doubt about that, but she had ways of showing that didn't involve childish tantrums. She had the weight of an entire nation to contend with, and that kind of life has no room for her to whine, complain, refuse to produce heirs, or slide down the wall when she's feeling dejected. (I heard the actress ruined a costume that way, because she wasn't aware that the white paint on the set wall hadn't completely dried and got all over the back of her black silk costume).


I have read multiple sources that she did have childish tantrums.
