Totally agree with you. I believed everything in the movie (documentary) until the last scene when three Scientologists "came after Marty" at the studio. That gave me a very "theatrical" feeling, as if Marty was "in on it" and they were in fact playing for the same team: "The Greater Good of Scientology" team, much like the persons most against Freemasonry are Freemasons themselves.
What happened after that event, Marty starting to swear at Louis after it was pointed out that Marty was a hypocrite (i.e. harassing around with people's friends and families while at the same time complaining that Scientologists does the same to him) made me realize that he didn't have a feud with Scientology or any its methods... his only feud was with the leadership of Scientology, the leadership that doesn't include him (preferably at the top of the pyramid).
The fact that he confessed on camera that he entered into conflict with Scientology not because he left but because he wanted to set up his own, rival, "Scientology church" is all the confirmation you need.
More fuel to the fire, visit his website (blog), and find that 1. he criticizes people who are anti-Scientology 2. the "Recommended Reading" list is full of brainwashing materials akin to the methods used in Scientology (as he can't offer materials authored and copyrighted by the Church of Scientology...)
Anyway, I don't have anything against the Church of Scientology and in fact consider that L Ron Hubbard made the world a better place, even if by a tiny bit, by promoting the importance of communication. On the other hand I find that aggressive hypocritical midwits like Marty are the worst poison possible for society, any kind of society.