Ant man and wasp will be biggest flop ever since solo .....
I'm going to Bet my everything that it will be biggest box office bomb of 2018 if it will not happen then I am going to eat my own shit
shareI'm going to Bet my everything that it will be biggest box office bomb of 2018 if it will not happen then I am going to eat my own shit
shareBon Appetit. That's what they thought would happen to the first one.
Not from the footage i've seen. Joke joke joke joke joke joke. People love this crap.
shareRight then , i want you to do a turd in a bowl and eat shit. Wrong again numb nuts.
shareIt's depressing that Marvel fans think this way. If it's not part of some all encompassing lore or doesn't have some ultra serious struggle for the Earth's survival than they can't be bothered. This was an enjoyable movie with a lot of laughs an impressive action set pieces. It's light as far as anything really provocative but I enjoyed it.
Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested-
Lol....Let the SHIT EATING Begin....
ok so heres what were looking...Let me try to explain just how big of a HIT Antman 2 is gonna be...
first you need to understand WHY AM1 was such a big hit and It ALL COMES DOWN to THE BUDGET...
Marvel Studios kept AM1s Budget pretty low for a blockbuster at 130 M.....
With a Budget that LoW.....any above 300 Million Is PROFIT....
AM1 went on to make 519 Million Workld Wide....Resulting in Marvel Studios making 103 Million dollars in profit and another 25 to 40 Million in Profit from its Home Media Revenue...
to really put this in Prospective....ANt Man 1 was more successful and more Profitable for Disney than BvS was for WB.....
AM1 made 103 M in Profit.....BvS ONLY made 101 M in Profit...
and the reason why Is BUDGET.....BvS cost over 400 Million to Make....So despite Making 870 Million WW, It ONLY made 101 M in Profit....
AM1 ONLY cost 130 Million to make, and Made a Pretty Great 103 M profit from a much less 519 Million WW gross....
why is this important?
because Marvel Studios once again Smartly Kept AM2s Budget at 130 M AGAIN.....Meaning AM2 is Guaranteed to Make between 150 to 250 Million In PROFIT!
AM2 RIGHT NOW is guaranteed to make OVER 600 Million WW.....With a Budget at 130 Million, thats a minimum of 150 Million In Profit....
If AM2 performs Similar to Cap 2, GOTG(which is how its currently trending) and makes over 700 M....Marvel Studios is Looking at a 200 to 250 Million Profit....
Basically....You claimed YOU would eat YOUR OWN SHIT on a film that LITERALLY was impossible to FLOP.....
the definition of a FLOP is when a film bombs at the box office and the studio LOSES MONEY....
lol due to AM2s low budget....for AM2 to FLOP....It would have needed to make LESS than 300 Million WW....quite simply, thats Impossible...
had you done any research, you could have saved yourself from eating a nice plate of shit, had you seen that AM2s BUDGET was exactly the same at 130 Million would have seen AM2 literally had ZERO chance of FLOPPING....
AM2 could have made the exact same amount has AM1 and Still been a Huge 100 Million dollar Profit earner....but to your HORROR thats not happening, instead AM2 is heading toward a MASSIVE INCREASE from AM1.....
the Key Here is the BUDGET....Marvel Studios has a history of keeping MCU films Budgets in check while WB has a History of letting budgets Balloon out of control....
for example....did you know WB Only made a pathetic 42 Million dollars in Profit from MOS?
Despite Making 668 Million dollars WW....due to WB spending Over 300 Million on It..WB ONLY made 42 Million dollars in Profit...
did you know that Despite BOTH Suicide Squad and GOTG making almost the exact same amount at the box office....Marvel Studios GOTG made nearly 50 Million dollars more in Profit because Marvel Studios kept their Budget Low and didnt CAST "A List" actors that demanded Huge upfront and backend fees, instead they cast unknown actors and actors they could sign to minimum contracts...
did you know that somehow, Marvel Studios Made Avengers IW for Less than Than Justice League despite AIW having over 30 Heroes that featured 30 of the biggest Superstars in Hollywood...
lol did you know that Marvel Studios has made 5 Films that By Themselves made more Profit than ALL the DCEU films combined...
The Avengers 1 made over 500 Million In Profit
IM3 made over 390 Million In Profit
Age Of Ultron Made over 392 Million in Profit
Black Panther Made over 500 Million In Profit
Avengers IW made over 700 Million in Profit...
ALL 14 of the Other MCU Films made between 100 and 250 Million in Profit
lol MOS Made 42 Million
BvS Made 100 M
Justice League LOST between 60 to 100 Million
Suicide Squad Made 150 M
Wonder Woman Made 252 Million
lol WB is WAY over Spending and Making amount no profit from the DCEU films....While Marvel Studios Is Literally posting RECORD Breaking Profits on MCU films.....bottom line....AM2 is A Guaranteed HIT...and Will makes between 600 and 700 Million resulting in a 150 to 200 M + profit!....have fun eating shit!