MovieChat Forums > Ozark (2017) Discussion > When children act the way Jonah acts aga...

When children act the way Jonah acts against his parents.

Must be a white thing. When I was growing up the children weren't allowed to rebel and act out against their parents the way this boy does. That would land you a severe beating or be outcasted to fend for your own in this scary world.

Seriously, white people can tolerate a lot and have a really high threshold for patience. I think Jason Bateman is the calmest person in the world, on-screen and off.


This situation is a little different since Jonah knows the family secrets and can blackmail them or rat them out. He's mad about Wendy's decision regarding Uncle Ben. Television does not represent reality so I wouldn't make any broad generalizations about the parenting skills of wypipo based on the show.

I think the parents should have sent the kids to boarding school or to the grandparents' house to insulate them from their cartel predicament.


Reducing it to race is just low hanging fruit lol. Especially given the obvious situation the family is in with the cartel and FBI. And honestly, losing her son is the price she pays for killing her brother. I cant stand the daughter but Jonah(the white boy) has as good a point to hate his parents for killing their own flesh and blood.

But yeah, if those were MY kids I'd have put my foot down about five years earlier. Marty doesn't have much of a backbone, he tries too hard to be fair.


Oh yes blacks are much better parents per capita. Lmao. Please delete this.


hahaha hilarious comment, totally agree with your sarcasm !!!


You probably come from a good and law abiding family

These people launder money for the drug cartel and have people killed.

They have no power over Jonah. Besides what is Jonah doing wrong? Berating them for killing his uncle?

You mention being outcasted. That’s exactly what he wants to do. He was laundering money. He wanted to leave his parents and go on business for himself.

Although things probably changed with the end of the last season.


Most black kids don't even have a father. And beating your kids is not good parenting.


Jonah’s rebellious actions in Season 3&4 and Charlotte’s rebellious actions in Seasons 1&2 just confirm bad parenting. Marty doing nothing while Jonah or Charlotte mouth off and constantly talk back is so pathetic. Wendy being completely unable to relate to her own children even before Seasons 3 and 4 is awful and unrealistic, and Jonah being completely oblivious to Wendy’s beatings by her dad is ridiculous.


They’re obviously not very good parents, and somewhat realize it throughout the course of the series. They’re written that way for a reason.

Actually, that they’re not good parents is pretty realistic, and identifiable. Both parents are different kinds of narcissists, and their kids are a product of that. The ending of the series is very cynical.


Mhyes, because non-white kids, like black kids, are known for their formidable upbringing, manors, kindness and success....... oh oopsie.
