Isn't the number of flak bursts a rather too many to be believable? Those things couldn't fire that fast.
shareIsn't the number of flak bursts a rather too many to be believable? Those things couldn't fire that fast.
shareDepends on which kanone you are talking about.
The 8.8 FLAK 36 was capable of firing 12 rounds per minute. But this depended on a fresh crew. However these were deployed by abteilung or battalions. One battalion had 4 kompanie or companies. Four companies had four guns each. 12 shells per minute X 4 X 4 = 192 shells exploding at any minute is plenty of FLAK.
I am not sure how many rounds each 12.8 FLAK would fire, but I would bet it was about half that of the 8.8.
The 3.7 FLAK is automatic. Would not reach as high as the 8.8. But again, being automatic weapons, rate of fire could easily be 130 rounds per minute. And they were not used alone, either. Expect at least three per kompanie. Do the math! 130 X 3 = 390 rounds per minute.
I did not see the movie, the book's premise to me is stupid. But you do not play when American flyers said that FLAK was pure hell.
Rat tat fire shoot blast
shareI assumed it was like a whole bunch of them firing constantly, creating all the flak that we see.