Oh man, this movie getting all these noms is so mid 2010's
It was the second best film of the year, behind only Three Billboards, which was the best film.
Yeah, it was pretty good, but it was silly to nominate this for Oscars, and sillier still that it won one and that people argued for it getting Best Picture. “Moonlight” was a legitimately deserving winner last year; people need to be more patient and not try to make #OscarsSoBlack happen every year, without regard to the level of quality of black films to choose from.
shareGet Out was a good film. Ladybird was a good film.
Dunkirk is a good film. The Shape of Water was a good film.
The Big Sick was a good movie ... no nomination. Blade Runner 2049 was a good movie ... no nomination.
Baby Driver was a good film ... no nomination. The LEGO Batman Movie wasn't nominated for Animated Feature.
One can't expect all good films to be nominated.