Respectfully disagree - short of a whistle-blower at RT, there isn't going to be 'proof' of anything. However, this isn't a courtroom, it's the real world, where real conclusions are reached with imperfect data by every single person every single day. It is what it is, and when the stories don't make sense (i.e. It's the boys fault for low attendance.), one is forced to piece together the available information.
They 'cooked' the ratings for Ghostbusters by changing the algorithm for calculating scores, and they're likely to be doing it here by whatever technique they think will work, and for the exact same reasons.
Do I care? Not really. It's their business to sink with SJW f##kery, let 'em have at it. But, if I were looking for a low stress popcorn movie for a nice Friday night date, a positive word of mouth for Charlies' Angels from someone I knew would have been enough for me. If the movie still sucked, which apparently it did, it'd still be good for a laugh as we left the theater.
It's been years since I took online reviews overly seriously anyway. I'm sure when SW Episode 9 comes-out, it'll be rated a 8.8 on IMDB. Early ratings are all a factor of the marketing budget these days.