MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2019) Discussion > Hey Elizabeth Banks, this movie didn't f...

Hey Elizabeth Banks, this movie didn't flop because men didn't go to see it

It flopped because it's a steaming pile of shit.


Maybe that's why women didn't go see it either.


Yes that is true


transgender community didn't enjoy this also


Who gives a shit about mentally ill people.


Wow you're a nice person. Typical loving Christian.


Sorry mutilating your body parts is a sign of a mental disorder.


It is a mental disorder. That's not my point.
You said who gives a shit about mentally ill people. I thought Christians were supposed to love thy neighbour.


Love the sinner, hate the sin, supposedly.



I just find the whole "blame the men" angle they are taking amusing.

The reason why is that we are constantly being told that we need more movies like this to appeal to the females in the audience. That action movies appeal more to men because traditionally that's who they've focused on, or the women that are in these movies are too sexy, or what have you.

Ok, this is FINALLY the kind of action movie that feminists and the woke crowd has been demanding. Why aren't they and women in general flocking to it?


Saying "We made a movie for women not men" isn't exactly raising expectations too high as just alienating viewers and attaching ridicule.



Stating who your target audience isn't always a good thing, like if you made an ok all black movie and said it's a black movie for black people or say it will scare white people, it's one thing if it's coming from critics and audiences but when it comes from the filmmakers themselves it isn't so much inducing audiences flocking to see it as inducing eyerolls.


like if you made an ok all black movie and said it's a black movie for black people or say it will scare white people



It's the old problem that Bill Burr mentions - trying to equalize the genders, because after all, a gender is a social construction, right?

So obviously, if men's sports is interesting to watch and draws in masses of men to watch it, then women's sports should be just as interesting to watch and draw in just as big masses.

It's amazing to me that women think this way and think they are ENTITLED to get as much money as men do, although men don't flock to watch women's sports the way they flock to watch men's sports..

..but more importantly, WOMEN aren't like men, so they don't flock to watch ANY sports whatsoever, because women's interests are elsewhere.

Men are 'expansive' by nature, they flock to activity and explosiveness, exploration and competitive things. Little boys rather play with cars, spaceships, trucks, robots than barbie dolls, small houses, tiny tea sets and toy ovens.

Women are 'contractive' by nature, so their interests are more domestic and social - females have, by nature, traditionally flocked to domestic and social roles in life. Man goes out to explore and work in the world, woman gathers things into the home and gossips to keep the household up with the local news and other important stuff.

People, as human beings, are pretty pathetic on this planet, as they have not been able to outgrow these purely animalistic and genetics-based roles.

It's amazing to me that women can just be blind to ALL of this, think that because MEN choose to watch UFC or boxing, that women will ALSO flock to watch that stuff instead of the 'housewives' stuff or some reality crap, where women are tearing each other down (after all, it's DRAMAtic because EMOTIONS are involved).

Now, I don't care about sports OR drama, as I don't really belong to male or female sphere fully, I am more of a 'human being' that can see both sides of the story, regardless of which kind of body I am inhabiting. I do not let genetics dictate my interests or behaviour.


But it's really ridiculous that women SERIOUSLY expect women to come watch their crappy woke movies and their uninteresting, unentertaining, boring sports (compared to men's sports)..

..THEN they blame MEN for not watching it.

Why would men watch women's sports, if they can watch men's sports? Women talk like it's some kind of OBLIGATION men have, like men somehow OWE women something, although men have historicaly BENT OVER BACKWARDS so much for women, anything women have screamed about and demanded, men have given them.

200 years ago, a domestic housewive's chores were hard to do, very physically demanding, but they did it anyway. Then men came up with dozens of inventions to make it all easier - so now there are all kinds of kitchen and laundry machines to ease that burden, women still complained. They wanted to ALSO be men and go out in the world. Men let that happen.

Now what is the situation? Women have -everything- men could possibly have given them, and they're still not happy, they still blame men for everything, and then wonder why men don't bend over as much anymore.

It's like Bill Burr said, when are women going to pick up their end of the couch?

Also, this other movie I forgot the name of, had basically 'headlines' like..

"Men, DO NOT come to watch this movie!"
a bit later..
"Men, why did you not come watch the movie?"

Only women's logic can be this warped.. 'Don't watch this! Why didn't you watch this?'

It's like that old 'Get out of here, GO!!' combined with "Why did you leave?!".

I just can't wrap my head around the logic that produces something that twisted..
