MovieChat Forums > Preacher (2016) Discussion > Season 2 off to a great start

Season 2 off to a great start

Loving this show right now. Might be the next big hit on AMC.


Surprisingly OK I suppose. The shockingly bad casting is still quite distracting though.


Whats wrong with the casting?


It's only an issue if you've read the comics I imagine. I'm a massive fan of the comics and it's just a bit jarring for them to be quite so different to the people I'd been looking at for 5 years or so.


I think the comic is better than the show but the casting of tulip is great I think and the actress fits the character more than the blonde look in the comic.


I can understand that I guess but you gotta take the show as its own thing. Adaptations are always going to have some differences.


Cassidy is, more or less, spot on, but, IMO, it would have been a bit too much for a TV show if Jesse and Tulip were tall and blonde like in the comics. Though it might have been better casting American actors instead of a Brit and an Irish girl. They do a great job and I like them, but the way they talk often seems forced.


Jesse and Tulip's accents are wretched. Tulip does that corn pone fake Southern thing that mediocre actors always resort to and Jesse struggles to NOT sound British and fails at even that about half the time. I know UK actors will work for a lot less than American actors but why not just change the characters to non Americans so it's not so distracting?


They're not THAT bad. Certainly better than any American actor trying to speak with a British or Irish accent. But trying to speak differently than what is natural to you can put a strain on the acting.


They are THAT bad. Definitely NOT better than any American actor trying to speak with a UK accent. Ridiculous statements like that are the reason anglophiles are hated by so many people and why it's impossible to take any anglophiles hyperbolic comments seriously.

I feel embarrassed for the simplistic folk that think being born on a tiny island somehow makes a group of people good actors no matter how cringe worthy those actors are. Like I said, why not just make all the characters from the UK? It would be a lot less distracting without the horrible failures at Southern accents and maybe the level of acting could then rise above mediocrity. The irish vampire guy is decent at least.


"Definitely NOT better than any American actor trying to speak with a UK accent."
Um have you seen Keanu and Winona in Bram Stoker's Dracula?

I do take your point though,it's not something I ever understand.
I suppose changing the nationality of a character such as Jesse may change the story too much? But why not employ an American in that case.
I found the chap (whose name escapes me) who played Rick from TWD worse.


Keanu and Winona were indeed terrible but that is just 2 American actors. Beauq said Jesse and Tulip's pathetic attempts at Southern accents were better than ANY American actor that ever attempted a UK accent. That is not just incorrect, it's so incorrect it borders on idiocy.

Rick's accent is not very good either but at least he doesn't go full hick like Tulip does. Anglophiles cream their panties as long as a UK actor doesn't sound like he's auditioning for a role in Oliver while attempting to sound like an American. Hell often they praise it even if the guy can't say more than a sentence or two without dropping back into brit mode like Jesse does or like Charlie Hunam on Sons of Anarchy.


Hunnam was awful, not just because of his accent, but because the entire role bordered on moronic, especially in later seasons. Matthew Rhys is great in The Americans. Both Cooper and Nega did very well accent-wise in Marvel shows. It's the "hick" roles that don't suit them.

And, as examples of Americans failing at British accents, you have Gillian Anderson in The Fall, Meryl Streep in everything,
Peter Dinklage in GoT...


I know from your comments you have zero ability to determine what is or is not a believable American accent. Rhys does a serviceable generic American accent but it's not believable if it's supposed to be attributed to any specific area like Virginia for example. Cooper and Nega DO NOT do even adequate accents no matter how many times you insist it's true.

Perhaps if you were not such a hate filled bigot you would be worth reasoning with but since you are a liar and blinded by the bigotry your cult seems to require theres no reason to bother. I will continue to correct your blatant lies though as well as humiliate you for your stupidity.


You don't need to be from a tiny island, you can be from a big one, like Australia, and have the likes of Hugh Jackman, Cate Blanchet, Geoffrey Rush, Heat Ledger. It's not where they're from, it's how they got to the level they're at, the education, training. I mean, how many American actors can you name that can, in one year, be an action star, head a Broadway play and film a musical?


How many actors PERIOD can you name that fit your silly model? Let me guess Hugh Jackman? I get it. You're one of those odd insecure self loathing Americans that mistakenly thinks licking the assholes of non American actors make you unique despite the fact it makes you embarrassingly common. Either that or just a garden variety bigot that hates American actors.

You're the one who made the absurd claim that Tulip and Jesse's horrible attempts at accents were better than any American actor who ever did a UK accent. Now you're trying to prattle on about Hugh Jackman?!!!

The UK actors on Preacher are not very good. Cassidy is amusing but even though I like the character he's played VERY broad. Jess and Tulip are awful at American accents. I'm sorry you're a silly anglophile and that hurts your feelings but it's the truth.


I'm not American.

Nor British.

Nor Australian.

Nor is English my first language, though I do speak it better than most to whom it is.

I'm simply stating the fact that actors world wide are better educated, trained and more versatile, than most American actors. Especially American stars.


So you ARE a garden variety ignorant hate filled bigot who won't claim her country because the chief export is raped children? Fair enough. Don't be too depressed. It could be worse. You could live in France or Canada.

Since you apparently live in a horrible sewer of a country I understand why you are ashamed and would rather be an Anglophile than accept your true heritage. Let me guess. Not a lot of swarthy folks where you live? Anyway, just because you're pathetic doesn't mean you get a free pass to spew nonsense.

Please provide documentation proving your bigoted claims about "actors world wide are better educated, trained and more versatile, than most American actors" or just admit you're a small minded liar.


My nationality is irrelevant, so I don't mention it. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Suffice to say, here, in my country, as well as many others, you need to have a university degree to be an actor, while, in the US, you don't even have to finish high school. I mean, America's highest grossing star is a high school drop out/religious nut.

And that is the main reason the Brits and Aussies, as well as other Europeans are taking over Hollywood. More quality for less money.

Personally, I prefer everyone else's production to American. The only reason I watch mostly films and TV shows in English is because I speak it. At least much more fluently than the French, Spanish and Portuguese I studied.


Of course you and that cesspool you live in are irrelevant that's why you're ashamed to admit where you live. You rushed to say where you were NOT from so it's painfully obvious nationality is important to you but you know naming your rape happy racist country would open you up to even more ridicule. The fact you can't even be honest with yourself much less strangers on the internet makes you truly pathetic. Not that it was in doubt.

I noticed you failed in any way at all to back up your ridiculous claims thus proving you are the small minded liar I said you were. To add to your shame you make more ridiculous claims. Off the top of my head your list of amazing Aussie actors includes at least one actor who not only didn't go to "University" but barely graduated high school. Another Aussie Russel Crowe also had no acting or other degree. Let's jump over to the creme de la creme (in your opinion) of actors the brits. Christian Bale is a proud high school drop out. Also SIR Ben Kingsly no acting classes or advanced degree. These are all off the top of my head so imagine if I actually did some research. You really shouldn't lie when it's so easy to disprove you. I'm sure you're telling the truth about speaking several languages though, right?

Again your bigoted hatred for America and it's citizens are the only believable thing about you. By the way America's top grossing star is Harrison Ford and he is a college graduate. Do you think he's a religious nut because he doesn't rape kids like most people in your cult do?

You're really bad at this debating thing, huh?


Spewing insults can hardly be called "good debating". I have nothing against Americans or American cinema. If I had, I would stay clear of it. Plenty of good movies around the world.


Now that I have easily exposed your lies and pointed out your bigotry you feign innocence. The last defense of someone thoroughly bettered. Don't worry I'll let you crawl away now.

You're welcome.


Must be nice being you, winning battles and slaying dragons in your head. You've proved nothing, my good fellow. I could give you tons of examples of where you were wrong, but one will suffice - the Brits and Aussies are taking over Hollywood. Wouldn't happen if they didn't do something - ANYTHING better.

As for my nationality, I'm Serbian and proud of it. And this is where you bow down and thank my people for the two men who helped create modern America, without whom, among other things there wouldn't be an internet for you to troll.


Brits and Aussies will work for peanuts in comparison to American actors so they get jobs. They will do anything to be noticed in the US and be able to leave their islands.

You're a serb? I'm sorry. It must suck to be the poor white trash of Europe. Although many in Europe say your people aren't actually white. Not to mention your claim to fame is your people tried to commit genocide while raping all the women and children along the way. Odd that you're so proud of that but I guess that's all you have. At least we all know why you were ashamed to admit what cesspool you reside in.

Exactly which of the countless child murdering serb rapists created the internet?


Brits and Aussies will work for peanuts in comparison to American actors so they get jobs.

I'm reading: US actors are pretentious wannabes who want the fame and fortune without the work.

Fathers of modern telecommunication and electronics - Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo (Michael, for the mono-linguistic American) Pupin (who was, also, one of the founders of NASA).

Buddy, I love my country. We know who we are. We're the richest poor country in the world. And that racial comment - just shows how desperate you are to prove a point. It is laughable seeing you think I would find it insulting. Dude, so many nationalities passed though her in the past 3000 years, I'd be surprised if I weren't at least a little black. Would explain my awesome sense of beat.

To finish this off, I bid you farewell with a greeting you'll seem to enjoy:


P.S. This greeting is now a common occurrence in one country the US "defended" from us.


You're both nuttier than a few hundred bags of squirrel shit.
Wtf guys,you're all getting completely insane over a tv show!


I know. It's fun poking guys like this.


I have the felling you prefer the guys poking you.


Nah, guys are too rough. My girlfriend does it just right, very tenderly and lovingly.


Big fan of the comics too, and I'm disappointed with the series so far (I knew they couldn't really do Preacher. Not REALLY.) I'll be watching anyway. It's not godawful, it's just not a patch on the comics. Cassidy's pretty close to the comic, glad about that!


Cassidy is the standout by far. Even ignoring the wretched attempts at Southern accents, Tulip and Jesse are badly miscast. Tulip is annoying and unlikable and unbelievable in an extreme way unless perhaps you have never actually been around women. Jesse seems like a simpleton at best and more often like a barely functional mentally brit that's vacationing in the US and trying to fit in but in doing so is more obvious that he doesn't belong.


Why are you still watching it?


I'm a big fan of the comic and there's always a chance it will get better. i haven't seen this weeks ep for example so hope springs eternal. Like I sad Cassidy is entertaining. Jesse can be overlooked and maybe Tulip will disappear for awhile or at least have minimal screen time. She is painfully bad.


It sure is better than what The Walking Dead has become. Not sure it'll ever surpass it in popularity, though. As for the casting, since I haven't read the comic, I'm enjoying everyone (even Dominic Cooper, who I generally dislike).


Yes TWD died for me after season 4,I stopped watching.

And I'm with you regarding Preacher,I haven't read the comic so I'm loving it.Dominic does sometimes slip up but I think all are doing a great job.


I still don't understand TWD's continuous popularity. I stuck with it so far, but I think after last season, I'm quitting as well.

Since I'm not that good with accents (not like a native speaker) they all sound great to me lol. So that's not something that's going to detract from my enjoyment. But I do wonder how they came about casting so many British/Irish actors.


I'm nearly through with The Walking Dead, too. I'm gonna continue until the end of the Negan arc (which hopefully won't last any longer than the entirety of season 8) and then throw in the towel. I've read the comics beyond where the show is now, and the next group of baddies Rick and Co encounter should encounter, if the show follows the comics (which it does, pretty slavishly), are too silly to waste my time watching.


I've read a bit ahead of the show as well. I think they wasted Negan to be honest. It felt to me that this whole season was a build up to a build up. Something was very off.

Was the next group the [spoiler]zombie wearing people[/spoiler]? The junkyard weirdos seemed to me very similar to them, so I don't know how they're going to deal with two groups that are much the same. And I don't much care to find out.


"Was the next group the zombie wearing people? "

Yeah, they're called "the Whisperers." They all (yes, all) wear the hides of zombies so they can blend in with hoards, then they whisper to each other so the real zombies won't hear them and know they're not really dead.

I could almost/kinda/maybe accept them as a new group of antagonists IF they were a small group, say 50 or so at max, but in the comics they're presented as an army of hundreds, maybe even thousands, whom Rick and the Alexandrians have to fight next. I liked TWD comics because it at least tried to make the zombie apocalypse somewhat believable, but this arc veered too far if into SyFy-land fantasy for me. But it wasn't unexpected; every TV show, and I guess every comic book, too, has a shark pool it that will get jumped over at some point.


The Whisperers, yes. I completely forgot they were called that. And now that you mention it, they were a bit too far fetched, even in a zombie story. But I guess they had to out-do themselves with every chapter, so sooner or later you're going to end up with something ridiculous. I'm not sure I even finished that one, though.

With the comics I didn't mind the repetitiveness that much, but I'm done with it on the show. It's just the same thing every season, and I'm not invested or interested anymore.

It's something I like in Preacher this season. They've changed it up, and it feels new and fresh, instead of a rethread of last season.


Yeah the casting is great which confuses me as theres a few comments in here criticizing the accents of the actors. For me I can't be bothered to notice that stuff unless its blatant and hard to ignore. That doesn't seem to be the case here though.


Feels like the good ol' IMDb, though, doesn't it! lol

I don't notice the accents' badness either (as I said above). Maybe it would've bothered me too, if I did, but Southern accents pretty much all sound the same to me, so... And this here looks more like a tiff two people are having, than anything constructive.

Anyway, I'm going to continue enjoying the cast, supposedly bad accents and all :)


Feels like the good ol' IMDb, though, doesn't it! lol

lol aint that the truth.

But yeah accents are whatever to me. I don't see it all that big a deal. If thats the worst the show is doing right now then they must be doing a pretty good job.


They may not sound great if you're from Texas who knows?
I really didn't know that the girl who plays Tulip wasn't American tbh!


She looked really familiar, but I couldn't place her. Turns out, she was in Misfits, and I've completely blocked her from my memory lol.

As for the accents, we all get it. Sometimes an accent is so irritating that you just can't. There was a guy in I Spit On Your Grave 2 (vile film, don't watch it), who, I don't know what he was speaking, but it sure wasn't Bulgarian lol. I'm not sure how much actual outrage something like that deserves, though.


A few accents that were supposed to be English in the last AHS were extremely dodgy.
I think sometimes it can really grate,as I mentioned above Keanu and Winona almost ruin Dracula for me!
However I think the obvious answer would be to simply stop watching something if it irritates that much😂

Nobody is (hopefully) forcing anyone to continue watching Preacher against their will.It seems like an act of self flagellation to continue watching something that makes one so enraged!


the first 2 were great, but i didn't really like episode 3 that much.


You didn't? It was my favourite so far. [spoiler]It was,good to see the action move to New Orleans,see the real Eugene story and the added couple of mysteries[/spoiler]


yeah the part with Eugene in hell was cool but was not a fan of the whole jazz/new orleans thing.


Me too gregg325.


"Might be the next big hit on AMC. "

The ratings certainly don't indicate that.


Ratings don't matter.


AMC is a commercial network so ratings do matter. It's not like it's a prestige show like Better Call Saul.


Yeah but determining if a show is a hit or not doesn't depend on ratings. Its about the quality.
