MI7/8 predictions

-something involving NASA (space stunts/Cruise in a spacesuit in earths atmosphere )

-further call backs to the earlier films (MI6 touched on this with Max daughter)

-Hunts death (I see Hunt sacrificing himself at some point paving the way for a new Hunt type character introduced in 7 or 8 played by some 30-40y old A lister to take over the series)


I doubt it will be Nasa cause they're not really doing space stuff anymore, but something hip and modern like SpaceX. They've hinted around at it too much not to finally do it and Tom is no Spring Chicken anymore. I think that's why they're shooting these back to back. This is probably going to be the last gasp of epic Tom Cruise action scenes.

Don't think they're killing Hunt and they'd be fools to do so. Hunt should end up being the new old guy in charge and running teams of fresh young stars and make MI movies into his golden years.


Simon Pegg stated that Cruise would never want Ethan Hunt to die


Wouldn't be surprised for there was another Field Director/Boss in charge of Hunt's team, my bets are either on Sloane (Angela Bassett) or Brandt (Jeremy Renner), considering that he was a stand-in for that position in Rogue Nation, but that if basically like the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor role in the Harry Potter movies, since there was one boss in charge in each film with the exeception of Baldwin.
