MovieChat Forums > The Covenant (2023) Discussion > Dear Hollywood. Stop making all those Ir...

Dear Hollywood. Stop making all those Iraq and Afghanistan war movies

No one wants to see them. They are boring. Its boring war. With faceless villains no one cares about. None of them filmed in the middle east and feel fake. Usually they are being shot in the USA desert and in front of green screen in the studio lots. This one was filmed in Spain.

It never feels like characters are actually on Iraq or Afghanistan.

How many flops you need to understand that?


They are made as part of the propaganda machine. We, America, is gearing up for more war and win the public’s heart and mind with war movies. WW2 = bad! War in the M-East = good!


The Muslims are peaceful no need for War besides Diplomacy and Dialogue Work better The Diplomats are the true heroes unlike Soldiers.


Look at you, pretending to give a shit but a second a Muslim will disagree with you, you'll go all Islamaphobe on their ass.


Islamophobia doesn't exist, it is a made up leftist buzzword to discredit valid criticism of Islam and Quran-abiding Muslims by defaming the opponent instead of having any sort of valid argument.


Yup...a typical lefty buzzword, solely designed to derail any questioning of a 6th century 'ideology' that hasn't altered one iota since it's conception (and never will)

It's no more a 'word' than 'potnoodleaphobia'

Notice the very same (primarily left) subsection decrying 'islamophobia', will also (most likely) bemoan 'Homophobia...yet would 'never* foist all the same LGBT-bullshit upon said ideology?

Nothing worth losing one's head over, eh?


Why do you think this, when the point of propaganda is to convince people of an idea or a course of action to take, when 99.99% of people who will watch this movie will treat it as nothing more than a movie?
A piece of fiction that will be treated no differently to a superhero movie.

The biggest issue here, is that you need a reality check. You need to get out more and see how people actually are.
They don't see war movies as "part of a propaganda machine", they see war movies as war movies. And if somehow some war movies are made for this reason, which they aren't, then they have categorically failed, because they haven't achieved what they set out to do, because the reaction to them by the general audience is different to what was (in your eyes) intended. And if they do succeed, and are "propaganda", nothing has changed. No foreign policies have changed because a movie told them to do so. Foreign policies change based on information and experiences in the real world, not a movie.

You act as if people are unable to form opinions for themselves. But because they can, there is no such thing as "propaganda", and if there is, it doesn't do what you think it does.


Americans are brainwashed into extreme ''patriotism'' aka Nationalistic indoctrination so that they can be manipulated into war.

Look at the CIA and Op Mockingbird (still goes on). Look at how Americans that criticise anything against the grain, are ostricised. Almost like a tyranny, coupled with a dumb, hilariously-biased and amateurish ''media''.


This ⬆️


War on Terror was a fasle flag op. We need films like this to remind us it wasn't ! To get ready for the next one.


The next one is already here. Its just not shown on the news very much.


Glad to see someone are paying attention Bubbathegut !


it was for Oil and resources you MAGATards love War since Warmongers I still believe in Diplomacy and Dialogue unlike you


It's the Warhawk Demonrats vying to push the military industrial machine into overdrive against Russia at the moment.

I could at least understand the Neocons wanted to dip their hands in the pot of black gold, using war as a facade to get rich off the back of American deaths. But the hawkish push to get Americans to throw their lives away in Russia makes no sense other than sociopathy and nihilism.


these movies are awesome. go watch something else and stop crying.


Anything with "War In The Middle East" Makes it instantly dated we left in 2021 worse than it was thats what happens when fight for resources instead of Humanity.


Like I said, if you don't like this form of entertainment then go watch something else and stop crying.


"stop crying."

NO i will NOT continue call to Bush Adminstration causing this unesscary until idiots like you Understand


Cry baby




its a movie you ding dong. I dont have a tank in my garage.


your support the concept if you watch this ding dong fuck you warnonger.


It’s not a concept dummy. It’s based on a true story and hopped up for our entertainment. You’re clearly too soft for it so go watch little mermaid. It’s a safe space for you


Hahaha, brilliant reply.


Shut the fuck up you trolling asshole


These films are paid for by MGM to stimulate the war effort:



Why would MGM do this?

What would they gain from this?

Why would a film studio do this when they only pay for film productions, and only receive income from theater receipts, and home video and streaming sales.

What "war effort" are you talking about?

Would you say the same about the other film studios that have made or will make war movies in the future, which is pretty much all of them?

How do you expect people to listen to you when what you're saying is complete bullshit.


He's right.

Have you not heard about the ESG scores?


And this is how it affects movie studios and other media propaganda (including novels, comic books and even video games):

Another overview:

And here is how it affects what you consume:


"War Effort" we left Afghanistan in 2021 no One wants war


If you find them boring and don't care about them, why are you even making a post?

If you're not watching them, which it sounds like you aren't from what you're saying, why are you even bothering to make a comment?
If you're not watching them, you're not losing anything. If you dislike the fact they exist, then don't bother taking an interest in the movies or the arts, because this is a medium that allows different stories and genres to exist. Just like there being some stories and genres that you like that others don't.

How would you feel if someone said the same thing that you've just said about something you like?
Would you think they would be right to say it?
If someone came up to you and said the same thing as you have, would you accept what they said?

Also, with the dangers that exist in the middle east, why would you expect stories set in this area to actually be filmed there?
Is there a brain missing in your head? Because that's the only reason you would say something like that.
Would you say the same thing about movies set in space? Or another planet that doesn't actually exist? Or the antarctic or Arctic?
That they feel fake because they aren't filmed in the location they are set in, even if it's impossible, difficult, meaningless or expensive to actually be able to achieve this.

Have you not heard of something called suspension of disbelief?
Because your comments sound like you don't have this, or have any idea about common sense or realities.

You said "It never feels like characters are actually in Iraq or Afghanistan". Meaning, for your own personal gratification, you would actually want these movies to be filmed in these countries.
In Iraq or Afghanistan.
Countries that everyone, except yourself it seems, would avoid due to the ongoing issues there. Countries that are impossible to make movies in for the exact same reasons.
And you never read this and realised how utterly stupid this idea was before you posted?

What were you trying to achieve?


Exactly the War on Terror was for resources like Oil not to stop terrorism typical playing card of the MAGA Playbook Warmonger's
