If you find them boring and don't care about them, why are you even making a post?
If you're not watching them, which it sounds like you aren't from what you're saying, why are you even bothering to make a comment?
If you're not watching them, you're not losing anything. If you dislike the fact they exist, then don't bother taking an interest in the movies or the arts, because this is a medium that allows different stories and genres to exist. Just like there being some stories and genres that you like that others don't.
How would you feel if someone said the same thing that you've just said about something you like?
Would you think they would be right to say it?
If someone came up to you and said the same thing as you have, would you accept what they said?
Also, with the dangers that exist in the middle east, why would you expect stories set in this area to actually be filmed there?
Is there a brain missing in your head? Because that's the only reason you would say something like that.
Would you say the same thing about movies set in space? Or another planet that doesn't actually exist? Or the antarctic or Arctic?
That they feel fake because they aren't filmed in the location they are set in, even if it's impossible, difficult, meaningless or expensive to actually be able to achieve this.
Have you not heard of something called suspension of disbelief?
Because your comments sound like you don't have this, or have any idea about common sense or realities.
You said "It never feels like characters are actually in Iraq or Afghanistan". Meaning, for your own personal gratification, you would actually want these movies to be filmed in these countries.
In Iraq or Afghanistan.
Countries that everyone, except yourself it seems, would avoid due to the ongoing issues there. Countries that are impossible to make movies in for the exact same reasons.
And you never read this and realised how utterly stupid this idea was before you posted?
What were you trying to achieve?