So underated!!

why is the rating so low?? every new episode I watch i get more excited about this show but then I come to see how's it going' here is the oppossite... I find it to be a very refreshing series, at least in Stan Lee's universe. The acting is solid and the story too. I find very little flaws to be punished by that score.


I agree 100% - I don't know where all the hate is coming from, as this is a truly smart piece of fiction from Stan Lee, out of his wheelhouse, and Nesbitt does a great job.

The storylines work well, building to a climatic ending. Great performances by the cast, and Oh, the opening card score and visuals are spot on!



Most tv shows have ratings that are higher than they should be (even when taking into account the subjective nature of ratings). I think people just give tv shows more benefit of the doubt and/or they only rate them at the beginning of a run.

This show has a rating that follows the above trend, although it's less pronounced than many.
