MovieChat Forums > Lights Out (2016) Discussion > Anyone else found this movie absolutely ...

Anyone else found this movie absolutely amazing horror genre experience?


I was kinda blown away by this movie. I mean i watch tons of horror flicks, but can't remember last time I've had chills during one. I took me by surprise, i kinda expected OK flick, but saw the best horror movie since the first "Sinister". Anyone else?


I haven't seen the film yet but it looks awesome. The last time I got creeped out was watching the remake of The Grudge. That was scary for just being a remake lol


Yes the grudge was scary both the original and remake.


Actually this movie got boring in the last 20 mins for me.


This movie was boring as hell. 5/10.




I disagree, as a horror fan. The entire thing felt very much like the filmmakers were hired to make a weekend horror movie. From writing to directing to acting, the entire thing felt very much like a hire job. No passion, point and shoot, writing assignment. It felt boring, unimaginative and lazy. They just wanted to get this thing done and out.


I wanted to like it, the short was a fun little creepy film. But this movie was so damn amateurish. From the characters explaining everything to the point where a 5 year old could follow the plot and backstory, to the lack of any sort of build up or tension. The jump scares were all too predictable after the first scene, and the script was laughable at times. I honestly don't really pay all that much attention to horror movie reviews because I love the genre and oftentimes we can like a horror movie for our own personal reasons; whether it's the characters, the scares, the premise etc. but this movie missed the mark on multiple levels and I had a hard time believing the reviews were as solid as they were, for the genre.


It was generic as hell.. like a bunch of cliches from a "How to make a B category horror" book.

Have to admit the basic premise was scary - the whole ghost figure in the dark, but nothing when lights on, then again turned off..etc. - but the charm lasted for like the first 10 minutes, then got boring fast, and nothing original remained. and the whole thing fell short, like even the makers didnt feel like there is much potential or to tell here, so lets end it fast, move on folks. not like I minded.


I saw this over the Halloween weekend, a time when I wanted to be scared out of my wits - and I found that it mildly did the job. It was still a fun watch; the little boy is adorable, the mother is creepy and the sister is Teresa Palmer. Ouija: Origin of Evil might be marginally better, but both is worth a watch, alone, late at night, in total darkness!

Very nice, how much?
