Who are your favourite and least favourite characters?
Favourites: Rhodes and Nat.
Least favourite: probably Sharon.
How about you guys?
Favourites: Rhodes and Nat.
Least favourite: probably Sharon.
How about you guys?
Favorites: Dr. Charles and Reese.
Least favorites: Halstead and Sharon.
FAvorites: Will, Natalie, Maggie. Least Favorite: Reese and Clarke
shareFavorite: Dr. Charles, Reese, and Dr. Choi
Least Favorite: Dr. Manning
Favorites: Rhodes, Reese & Choi
Half/Half: Halstead
Least Favorites: Latham & Jeff (Loved him of Fire but doesn't fit well here)
I think the cast as a whole is pretty likable.
But Latham is insufferable (though I just read a spoiler that indicates why) and Natalie...I want to like her. She's smart, cares about her patients, cute.... but the woman has a permanent stick up her ass. She takes everything too seriously and seems perpetually miserable...she's just not my type of girl.
Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton
get what you mean about Natalie being miserable, DoLLish, but remember, she lost her husband shortly before the first season started so she's still in the grieving process, even if she's moved on, she's most likely still grieving even if they don't show it as much, which would affect her behavior.
I don't think more electricity is what this guy really needs. Just throwin' it out there.
Yeah you're right and I was gonna add something about that. I'm sure that is why she just has this very faint coat of misery surrounding her. I'm hoping she falls in love. She seems like the type of character who will just blossom when in love. Would like to see her happy.
Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton
I don't think more electricity is what this guy really needs. Just throwin' it out there.
Least favorite: Reese, Nat and Halstead.
I like everyone else a lot.
"I could've sworn there was one more peanut butter left." -- Morgan, The Walking Dead
Favorites: Dr Rhodes and Dr. Choi
Least Favorite: Sarah the perfect new Psychiatrist I could like her with better writing. She is new to the field and yet she gets everyone to open up. Its unrealistic and an insult to the profession
I like them all except Natalie she is a bit too baby obsessed all the time.