Who are your favourite and least favourite characters?
Favourites: Rhodes and Nat.
Least favourite: probably Sharon.
How about you guys?
Favourites: Rhodes and Nat.
Least favourite: probably Sharon.
How about you guys?
I really like all the characters. The only exception is Hallstead. Ugh, i wish he'd take a job in another hospital.
Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.
Faves: the RN's
Least Faves: the MD's (except Platt's character)
"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Faves: Rhodes and Dr. Charles, and even though he isn't a regular, Jeff! (Loved him on Chicago Fire, wish he had never left)
Least: Halstead
i kind of like them all except for Hallstead.
Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
Poor Halstead. I don't hate him because he looks like Dexter. They should give him a Dexter storyline, especially with his brother being a cop.
shareThey should give him a Dexter storyline, especially with his brother being a cop.
Libera te tu temet ex inferis.share
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
Like - Reese love the character + she is hawt
Dislike = Manning hate the character despite her looks
I like all of the main characters... but the one that annoys me the most and my least fave is Halstead. He's so moany, he lets personal stuff get in his way, he makes stupid decisions (DNR avoidance the most obvious) and he just annoys me.
Ultimate faves: Dr Charles, Connor Rhodes and Sarah Reese. Three people i know I'd get along with in real life if they were real people.
I'm in the minority! I like Halstead along with the others. Though to be honest, I like Jeff more. Connor, I blow hot and cold on and I don't really like him as much as the others.
I don't think more electricity is what this guy really needs. Just throwin' it out there.
I like all of them except Halstead.
shareFavorite: April
Least favorite: Halstead