
I only got a few minutes into the first episode and had to stop. I knew, just from the trailer, that this was a "white" series. White, as in seen through Caucasian eyes. I"m still researching to see just who was on the production team, but the costumes...the dialogue...and OMG the awful wigs!!! They could at least have given the lead a natural looking weave--if they wanted to make her more "hispanic". I will come back and edit if necessary after I get more info.

So I did look up the main players on the team and EVERY director is older, white, and male. All the writers, but one, is white and the one black writer is not old enough to have lived the era. The costumer is a female--again too young to have really lived the era. It's one thing to do a historical, period piece using research and another when there are persons alive who not only have first hand knowledge of the period, but also are trained in the field of film costuming. This is just another example of the irritating tend of privileged persons in the industry trying to tell the stories of others without actually employing those who could give a more accurate, organic visual image.


I hope you actually watched the whole program because thats a lot of criticism to make on something you only saw a few minutes of.


I think we are basically talking about the first episode....which I did watch in it's entirety. I do plan to watch more, if I can stomach it, but I'm pretty sure not much will change. I had some of the same issues with the series "Empire" when it first started, but unlike "The Get Down", Empire had a few more black writers on staff and there was a change in costume designers---which eventually led to a better worded and clothed show. But that show is a whole other can of worms I shan't get into! lol.


Let me know when you make it further into episodes. Episode #5 and #6. Overall, I enjoyed this show but I couldn't help but feel like the grand finale battle wasn't as dope as it could have been. Like it played out like several plots in movies. The competition wasn't really competition basically.


So are you racist or just a moron?

