Political Correctness

Another series ruined by ITV for political correctness, women - check, ethnic minorities out of period, check.


Doyle was 35 years older than Houdini. And your issue is that they have a minority someplace.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


Correction: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859- 1930) was 15 years older than Harry Houdini (1874- 1926). They didn't meet until 1920, but they were friends until a falling out over spiritualism and mediums. Conan Doyle was a true believer and Houdini was a skeptic.


Aye bernie and Sir Arthur was a Scot and did not speak with the posh English accent he has here.
What about the WPC with her lovely "uniform"? Was there any woman Policewoman then? No matter ,it wont be long till she is solving all the cases and beating up men twice her size and weight, nae bother

Is it her that is the actual wife of the actor playing Conan doyle?

Even junglecats sit doon `n huv a wee purr tae themselves now and again, likesay, usually after they've likes devoured somebody


According to the recordings of his voice, Sir Arthur spoke with a somewhat upper class British accent, so Manghan cannot really be faulted there.

The first actual WPC was Edith Smith, who was granted full powers of arrest in 1915, some 15 years or so after this show is set.

Manghan's wife is Louise Delamare. She plays Doyle's wife, Touie, in the show.



According to the recordings of his voice, Sir Arthur spoke with a somewhat upper class British accent, so Manghan cannot really be faulted there.

According to your interpretation of how he sounded dont you mean wee man?

His Scots accent could have sounded somewhat like an "upper class British accent"
I have seen and heard film of him talking and it was not in an upper class British accent.My school chum`s gran was his landlady .

Strange that Martin Clunes when doing Conan Doyle recently,in Arthur & George, adopted a Scottish accent
I believe he would have found an uppper class 'British'accent far easier.

Even junglecats sit doon `n huv a wee purr tae themselves now and again, likesay, usually after they've likes devoured somebody


Doyle wasn't just a believer in Spiritualism -- he also believed in fairies, and could not accept that the Cottingley fairy photos were a hoax. I won't go so far as to call Doyle a loony, because a lot of people believe strange things -- some of the most brilliant people in the world have had silly beliefs. But he was entirely too credulous.

Houdini had the advantage there, in that he was a magician, and magicians make a living off of fooling people. It's their primary skill -- getting people believe things that aren't true. So they are often also very good at detecting BS. And the truth of the matter was that the very first spiritualists were out-of-work stage magicians, many of whom had been put out of work by Houdini's fame. They couldn't get jobs because Houdini and a couple of others had raised the standard to a point that most magicians couldn't match. They turned their skill at fooling people into a brand new profession -- bilking people out of money by preying on their grief and loss. And some of them were so good at it, that the profession survived into the 21st century. But really, it was an invention of the 19th century.


I take your point, my main gripe is that there were no female police officers at that time in London. Apart from special constables and volunteers during WW1 the first female full time London constable wasn't appointed until 1919. However, as London was teeming with what we now call 'ethnic minorities' I wondered what you meant when you say they are out of period here. I'm not being argumentative I promise, I was just wondering to whom you referred. xxx


The Women's Police Service was founded in 1914 by Nina Boyle and Margaret Damer Dawson and it was staffed by volunteers. In August 1915, Edith Smith was appointed the first woman police constable in England with full power of arrest.
Either way, if I'm not mistaken, the story takes place around 1901, so yes, there shouldn't be a female police officer in the show.

But yes, London had plenty of "ethnic minorities" and people from all over the world could be found in this city for centuries.


I think he meant the Black Nun. Since Catholicism was spread by missionaries around the world, a Black "Sister" wouldn't be too out of place. It must have been an adventure and she must not have wanted to marry and have kids.

I think we had this talk on the Merlin Board.


Either way, if I'm not mistaken, the story takes place around 1901, so yes, there shouldn't be a female police officer in the show.

And Doyle and Houdini didn't actually meet and become friends until much later (19 years, in fact), and Houdini's mother was still alive. Plus, there is no mention of Houdini's wife, either (apparently, we're to believe he wasn't married to that stage assistant he was shtupping).

But you have a problem with a slightly-anachronistic case of a London policewoman? Really?

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


Not so slightly.


Not so slightly.

Far more slightly than the other anachronisms I just mentioned.

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


SO you're now disagreeing about the level of slightlyness of what is unauthentic?


SO you're now disagreeing about the level of slightlyness of what is unauthentic?

Excuse me, are you normally this obtuse or are you feeling particularly "special" tonight?

There was a real English policewoman years before the events described in either Houdini or Doyle's lives occurred as they do on the show. The story is already impossibly anachronistic due to the monkeying around the writers did with H&D's biographical details and you're choosing instead to get upset about their having an English policewoman a few years before the first one that we know about (as if there couldn't possibly have been one a few years earlier who just hasn't turned up in the records)? Really?

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


I would have said the same about you but am just too well brought up.

I'm not "upset" about anything, I'm not having any problems either.
All I did was have the audacity to simply share some history that made it clear that the police woman was not historically accurate.
This somehow was apparently the most exciting thing that has happened to you in some time as you projected your feelings of being upset and having problems onto me; someone who simply shared some facts.
Not just that, you found all this so exciting you returned a month later to continue this o-so interesting "debate".

If people daring to share some historical facts gets your undergarments in such a twist, I would suggest you stay away from the internet.


I would have said the same about you but am just too well brought up.

I think you overestimate your upbringing.

I'm not "upset" about anything, I'm not having any problems either.
All I did was have the audacity to simply share some history that made it clear that the police woman was not historically accurate.

And I had the "audacity" to share some history about the two real people on whom the title characters are based that shows that the lack of a known policewoman at Scotland Yard in 1901 is by far the *least* of the anachronisms in the show. There's no need to pick on that one. It's not as though inventing a woman police officer a decade and a half before one was actually reported is nearly as big a stretch as killing off Houdini's mother early or having him still be unmarried in the first place. All they did was eliminate two real women in Houdini's life so they could give him a fake love interest.

This somehow was apparently the most exciting thing that has happened to you in some time as you projected your feelings of being upset and having problems onto me; someone who simply shared some facts.

Oh, dear. You must have had an awfully boring summer to project that much of your own stuff onto a total stranger on IMDB. Good luck with that.

Not just that, you found all this so exciting you returned a month later to continue this o-so interesting "debate".

And you immediately responded! Goodness, who must have been hanging out on this board, looking for a fight that whole month, to make *that* happen?

If people daring to share some historical facts gets your undergarments in such a twist, I would suggest you stay away from the internet.

Well, it sure peed in *your* cornflakes, didn't it?

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


As amusing as your comment almost was, I fear it didn't make much sense.
Nice try though.
Sorry I triggered you, enjoy your safe space.


When exactly do you think ethnic minorities suddenly appeared in British society? There were quite a few rather prominent British black people, a good number of Indians lived in London. Queen Victoria was famously a godmother to a black woman. The great British impresario Pablo Fanque was black. He was mentioned in a Beatles song.


I grew up in the 70's and out of metropolitan areas you really did not see many ethnic minorities on a day to day basis. At my school the first black kid turned up two years before I left and on the last year which was 1982 two Pakistani brothers turned up. We had a handful of Italians and Greeks in the area and a handful of Chinese. This was in a city of 80,000 thousand. The nearest big city to me is Birmingham which is a different story and much more diverse That is only 25 miles away but big city life has a totally different flavour to much of the country so you can't be to general in what you say.


Your experience is different then that of minorities in European countries. That is why a lot of famous black entertainers moved to Europe. You do realize as late as the sixties. Black entertainers had to enter using the back door. Even the headliners
Embrace your inner Biest.... We all have one


I grew up in the 70's and out of metropolitan areas you really did not see many ethnic minorities on a day to day basis. At my school the first black kid turned up two years before I left and on the last year which was 1982 two Pakistani brothers turned up. We had a handful of Italians and Greeks in the area and a handful of Chinese. This was in a city of 80,000 thousand. The nearest big city to me is Birmingham which is a different story and much more diverse That is only 25 miles away but big city life has a totally different flavour to much of the country so you can't be to general in what you say.


There is no such thing as "ethnic minorities out of period".
Ethnic minorities have been part of daily life in big cities such as London for many centuries.
Yes, from all over the world.
As far back as Roman times you could bump into people from as far abroad as Africa in London.

And I also heard rumours that they had women in Great Britain for at least few decades....


OP is one of those who doesn't know how to use their brain and jumps and latches on one thing: "See,see...Political Correctness again! Damn those PC police!"


OP is one of those who doesn't know how to use their brain and jumps and latches on one thing: "See,see...Political Correctness again! Damn those PC police!"

It's like a temporary plague that spreads among the miserable people of the world.

A while back it was telling everyone to "Go watch transformers or something." Then they b^tched about hipsters--everyone was a hipster. Now it's political correctness. Internet anonymity...the true digital double-edged sword.

Funny story: At work, when I'm around these two guys that have the anti-pc bug bad, I scrape the sugar coating off my words purposely. They blush or, their eyebrows knit together like they wanna say something. So, I always turn and look them right in the eyes like "Yes?" Nothing.


You sound like a very small man.


Britain and London were overwhelmingly and predominately WHITE prior to 1948. As in 99.99999% WHITE. That is the point they were seeking to make that obviously sailed over your brainwashed head.

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


Yet black people and other immigrants from far away would not be a completely unknown sight to Londoners.

Records show that black men and women have lived in Britain in small numbers since at least the 12th century, but it was the empire that caused their numbers to swell exponentially in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Elizabethan Londoners were even getting worried about the amount of black people.
"In 1764 The Gentleman's Magazine reported that there was 'supposed to be near 20,000 Negroe servants' -Evidence of the number of black residents in London has been found through registered burials. "
In 1788, Philip Thicknesse bemoaned the fact that: '... London abounds with an incredible number of these black men [...] in almost every village are to be seen a little race of mulattoes, mischievous as monkeys and infinitely more dangerous'."
In 1731, the Lord Mayor of London, responding to moral panic about the size of the non-white population in the city, banned them from holding company apprenticeships.

So yes, "overwhelmingly and predominately WHITE", but black people would not be unauthentic.


So don't watch it, OP. Go watch your Leni Riefenstahl movies.


I think it's telling that he hasn't returned.

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


I think it's telling that he hasn't returned.

OP is a typical cut and runner. He'll never be back.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


amen brother



TRANSLATION: Blah blah blah blah fart and poop.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


However, they bash the Catholic church and the O.P. has no problem with it.

BOHICA America!



What is wrong, exactly, with Leni Riefenstahl movies?

She produced propaganda films for Hitler.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


I miss your point.
Does having bad politics make you a bad director?
Hitler also pushed to make the Volkswagen, does that make it a bad car?

The Soviet Army Choir was one of the finest singing groups in the world. I had no desire for the Soviet Army to come to my town.

I periodically misspell words just to annoy the word police.
