Flaw in Kurt's choice of Love

Seems to me there was quite a contradiction with Kurt. He vehemently despised the phony pop culture of America, and yet chose someone so obviously disingenuous as Courteney. Throughout her scenes I couldn't help but think that all she ever wanted was to be famous and almost led Kurt down a path of depression so she could get more spotlight. The ex girlfriend on the other hand you could tell showed some real feeling which Love didn't have at all. Can't help thinking Kurt's marriage was the nail in the coffin, not the fame or drugs.


Like attracts to like. They were two peas in a pod same as Bobby and Whitney. They were both self-destructive.

Always look for the positive in every situation.


the chick liked him and that was enough for him, and they did drugs so he didnt have to hide. I bet once both sobered up down the road, they would have split regardless if he thought he loved her.



Any hatred of Courtney Love that anyone holds could be completely justified by watching her in this film.


I have to agree with Morgasmenator. The whole time that I was watching this documentary, I could not understand fully, why Kurt chose (or accepted) Courtney to be his long-term girlfriend!
I know that Kurt's band-mate (can't remember his name) said that part of the attraction to each other was based on the "DRUGS", but still, was Courtney they ONLY female that Kurt had come across?

Courtney looked like a hanger-on, even in this documentary, & I can just imagine how much of a thorn she was in the band's back, when the film was not rolling!

Courtney was the worst choice for Kurt...absolutely, and I cannot help but wonder if he would still be alive today, had he chosen a mate who was more mature, more stable, more genuinely loving, than Courtney ever was.
