MovieChat Forums > Glitch (2016) Discussion > whipscars and breasts

whipscars and breasts

Just curious about this. Not sure if it is a spoiler or a plot point. Kate has her breasts removed due to cancer but we see that these have been restored and the cancer is gone. No scars or anything remain. John Doe on the other hand has scars covering his back and one on his face. He also has that funky whistle too and was buried in an unmarked and shallow grave so that sets him aside from the others... thoughts?


Clearly because whip scars and a scar on his face -- and some wounds on his head, in some scenes -- make a man that much more mysterious and sexier. A mastectomy is just icky.


Just finished ep. 6 lat night. Loved it. Loved everything about it.

I'm going to go with their bodies (souls) memory of self when they emerged. No one remembered their death at first or life at all until reminded
(nobody was buried with clothes but Kate but had a wedding ring?)

What ever brought them back chose an arbitrary starting point before the immediate cause of death was started.

John Doe was violent in the first few encounters with James and Elisha, that was how he interacted with the world in his (former) true self. Part of what made his (former) true self so violent is the life that led up to and included the whip scars.


nobody was buried with clothes but Kate but had a wedding ring?
Clothes decay, but wedding rings don't.


The difference is that the whipscars aren't related to his death, while Kate's breast cancer was.

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Not only that, but Charlie came back and was still Gay. You think he should have been cured of that as well.
