MovieChat Forums > The Gift (2015) Discussion > I had a similar experience to this with ...

I had a similar experience to this with a guy I used to bully

A few years ago I had a similar experience to what was portrayed in the gift. A guy I used to bully back in high school because he stuttered got a job at the hospital I work at. Things started awkwardly as I actually felt bad for the way I treated him in high school. The issue was never openly discussed. He also was really friendly to me , at first I didn't mind but over time I began to despise him for being so spineless in not mentioning the way I treated him. Strangely enough I began to bully him and humiliate him in front of work colleagues hoping to get a reaction from him which never came. Just goes to show how some people are too weak to stand up for themselves and are happy to let people walk all over them.


I totally believe you. That didn't sound at all made up.


I totally believe you. That didn't sound at all made up.

Ha-ha! Exactly.

Nice try, troll.


Yeah but what if he snaps one day and kills u ?

troll be trolling aylmao


Guess where you work doesn't have an HR department or harassment policies. Eventually to prevent a lawsuit from providing a safe workplace, you'll get a pink slip.


I hope he comes into work one day and shoots you in the face

"You've been targeted for Termination"- Kyle Reese


congratulations on being a horrible person, aussiesurfer70. do the world a favor and don't have kids.

Larry Gaylord: "a billion people come in on a day off, and they don't flip out!"


It's alright he resigned and is working elsewhere.


hell be back


They always come back, fully stocked and loaded, and deservedly so. I'm going to pray hard to Paimon that he comes back as an avenging angel and paints those hospital walls with this guy's blue blood. I'd tune in to the opiate box for once in years just to see the story unraveling on the "news".



Some old Australian bigot who is obsessed with his penis (if your other posts are anything to go by) who shamelessly tries to get attention from random strangers on imdb boards with badly written stories.

Kind of tragic.


So you continued to bully him years after, and after he was being nice to you and put this thing behind ? You are just a moron, and that attitude will backfired to you soon enough.

I just hope that other guy is better than you, and won't make any rational decisions.


Thats not spineless, that's called being the better person.

When you are old enough to understand what you did was wrong, and understand how your actions affect other human beings, and yet you continue to do the same actions...that sounds more spineless to me.

Not trying to be a dick. I've bullied too. Which is why I feel comfortably calling you out.

Whether you have a strong personality or just physical strength, no one looks up to a bully. People look up to the strong that takes care of others. You missed an opportunity man.
