MovieChat Forums > Mr. Robot (2015) Discussion > 407 and Last Season-itis...

407 and Last Season-itis...

continues. Everything at one location to keep the budget low and lop off a character or two. Well acted - but I can't believe they went to such a cliche as the big reveal.


I was confused about the "reveal" because I always thought it was implied that his dad did something awful anyway. I didn't know Elliot thought his dad was awesome and never did anything wrong.


Just a guess, but I doubt this reveal was part of the original conception. I think they just tacked it on to have an episode to whittle down as we careen towards the other showdown. It cleans up two or three storylines -- and two or three characters -- without ever leaving that simple set. Two rooms, some thunder and lightning, and a lot of dialogue.


Disagree. This was the best episode of the entire series imo.


That's fine. And you raise an interesting question for me to think about. Which ep is best? I'd think it would be in the 2nd season somewhere but I couldn't say without rewatching everything.


Before this recent episode my favorite was the one shot episode from season 3 where they hack Ecorp. It was one of the most intense episodes of television I've ever watched. I was legitimately on the edge of my seat the whole episode.


This was, to me, the best EP of the season. Which is saying something, because they've all been pretty great.


Agreed, that's how I felt about it as well. Very powerful stuff.


this season isn't bad, but the last episode was overlong
