MovieChat Forums > Mr. Robot (2015) Discussion > What is it About Bobby Cannavale?

What is it About Bobby Cannavale?

He elevates everything he's in. He's one of those actors that whenever you see him you know you're going to get an engaging, quirky performance. If you aren't familiar with him you need to see him as Gyp Rosetti in Season 3 of Boardwalk Empire. He completely stole the whole season.


He's best thing about the series right now. He's the only thing that keeps me watching at this point. Everyone else is a bore fest.


"You know that bullet we took out of you...? We could just as easily put it back in...!"

Bobby rocks! A true ACTOR.


He was also the only reason Boardwalk Empire was great after Jimmy. When he was gone, the show lost it's magic.


Jimmy was lame. I like Cannavale but Gyp was such a stereotypical "crazy gangster" that he became boring really quickly.


Quality actor... He should be in more roles...

Relative to most of todays actor he is quite adult and masculine... I think that gives his charactrs some edge, whether it's a sad son that he plays in Danny Collins or a an international criminal as in Spy...

I hope he his role in the Irishman is good...
