Why Is There So Much Negativity on these Boards?
This movie has a 95% critic score and a 90% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and is making insane cash, so clearly lots of people did like the movie
I, myself, am not an MCU fanboy. I enjoy the movies quite a bit, but think most of them are inferior to the Raimi Spider-Man movies, Nolan Batman movies, and X-Men: First Class. There are a lot of Avengers characters that I find useless and just clutter up the screen
But even then I have to say that this movie was pretty damn fun. It was not perfect, obviously. These movies will never stand up to greats like The Godfather, Taxi Driver, the Dollars Trilogy, or other cinematic masterpieces. But they don't have to be. They are pioneering a new type of filmmaking: the "movie show", meaning that their movies are more like episodes in a giant TV show. They are not built to deliver divine cinematic experiences, but they are still good fun and a step up from your typical blockbuster garbage
Yet all I see on this board is nitpicking of every single fucking detail about the movie. Yes, some things don't quite make sense, and some scenes don't work, and yeah it has a few cringey moments, but that is EVERY superhero movie EVER. A movie this fucking massive cannot possibly be perfect, but it was pretty good as a giant culmination of twenty previous films, something never done before in history
I come to these boards because I love movies more than anything else, and could talk about them all day. But the insane negativity and crybaby attitude I see here has really put me off to this website. Some of y'all some to have some real personal issues, and your idea of a good movie seems to fit in a tiny little box