Who Dies, Cap or Tony?

I'm betting Tony. His character arc is pretty much done and I can see him sacrificing himself to save everyone else, like at the end of the first Avengers, only for the last time. He can get a dramatic goodbye scene with Peter Parker who will then have to find another mentor (Reed Richards?)

Killing Cap would just seem mean, after all he's been through, and it wouldn't resonate the same way. I'm guessing after being forced to go underground, he will decide to stay in the shadows, "retire" and pass the Cap mantle on to Bucky or Sam.



Downey is getting paid a lot more than the other actors, because he got in first and they failed to lock down his contract. Marvel doesn't want to keep paying him tens of millions of dollars a film, so...


I hope it's Cap. He's boring, while Tony is fun

Also, we don't want that loathsome drab Riri to be in the MCU.


Haven't they soft confirmed another Iron Man film? Iron Man ain't going nowhere. Cap is a dead man for sure.


I'd be surprised if they have, considering how much Downey is getting paid.

If they do an Iron Man sequel, I'd expect Rhodes or Pepper to be taking over the suit. Gwynneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle are both good actors who can carry a film, and who are a lot cheaper than Downey.


Hopefully, neither, but the writing appears to be on the wall for one, if not both, of them. Of course, in Dr. Strange, Strange died many times during the finale when he imprisoned Dormammu in the time continuum.


Speculation seems to be it will be Tony, but it could be Cap. Or both?

Personally, I prefer the Steve Rogers character. Downey is great, too, but sometimes a little too... something... for me. Aloof? But in a forced way? Not sure. He doesn't always nail the character the way Evans does. But then, comic book Stark gives me the same feeling, so maybe Downey is nailing it more than I know.

My personal guess is that Loki dies in the first few minutes of the movie, and Stark is killed by Thanos near or at the end of the film. All I can say for sure is Ant Man is making it through in one piece on account of he's got a movie coming out later this year! :)


Difficult to say. Tony can be replaced by Spidey, and Cap can be replaced by Bucky. I think the Bucky transition into Cap is smother since Spidey won't actually take on the mantle of Iron Man, but Robert Downey probably wants to be out the most, and he's let them build off of him for a decade so my guess is they kill him off.


I hope neither, although I guess if I had to choose it would for sure be Tony Stark. I love Captain America he is my favorite Avenger. Tony Stark is my least favorite cause he has such an ego. He annoys me.

But what makes you think either one of them will be killed in the movie? Y would they need to kill an Avenger?


Tony in this one along with the most obvious Vision. Cap will probably go in the 3rd. My guess is that by the end of the 3rd one, many of the of the characters will be killed off.
