Annoying things and nitpicking.
Full disclosure: Twin Peaks is my favorite show of all time. I've seen the original series (and FWWM) more times than I care to guess, and season 3 (The Return) at least 20 times.
I just finished a re-watch of Season 3 and noticed that some little things that have subtlety grown annoying, even though they do absolutely nothing to diminish my love for the show, but things I find a tad annoying anyway. I thought I'd list them here out of curiosity to see if anyone had similar thoughts, or perhaps even had an explanation that would eradicate my concerns. Again, these are minor things that don't effect the story itself, only how it's told.
Here goes (in no particular order):
[Obviously SPOLIERS so stop here if you haven't watched the series yet]
1) Bobby strolling into the office after all the mayhem and casually asking, “what’s all the noise about?”
Comment: Two guns shots were fired (Lucy and Mr C), all kinds of shouting and commotion – and green glove whacking. Yet Bobby (and anyone else in the office) doesn’t come running to investigate? It would have made more sense if Bobby was shown pulling up outside the station after the chaos, that would have made his casual stroll and demeanor logical. As it is, his entrance, more specifically the timing of his entrance, is awkwardly inserted as nothing more than a plot device to allow Cooper a chance for exposition.
2) Albert and Tammy glancing at the monitors and quickly reading off facts about Dougie Jones as if it was all new info they just caught up with.
Comment: there is no way they could have obtained all of that information at just a glance. And some of the info they should have already known about because they were already interested in D. Jones anyway. A more reasonable scene would have been the two characters referencing the past info, while acknowledging the new finding. For example: “look at this – on top of what we know about his ties to mobsters and his car blowing up – it appears he just recently landed in the hospital after sticking a fork in a wall socket!”
3) Chantel and Hutch not seeing the FBI car parked directly in front of their car during their stakeout.
Comment: Need I say more? They see the cars pull up to the Jones house, see that they are FBI agents see both cars drive away, see one of the cars return, see one of the FBI cars park directly in front of their van (at a distance but in plain sight). Absurd.
4) Hawk not knowing who ordered the cheese-only sandwich
Comment: Unless Andy suddenly switched to vegetarian, this is something that would have been known by Hawk having known Andy over the many years. This was again a plot point forced into the narrative to provide a clue as to why the Fireman chose Andy (i.e., because he wasn’t a meat eater, someone not attracted to all things carnivorous like Judy/Sarah), but it was awkwardly and nonsensically forced into this scene. Why not just have Hawk say “here’s your usual cheese sandwich Andy?’
5) Janey-E not familiar with Dougie’s physique until the trip to the doctor’s office.
Comment: She surely would have had to help him get dressed and undressed before the doctor visit. Dougie can’t even walk through a door without help – how could he possibly dress himself? And if she did dress him, then she would have seen his body before the doctor’s visit.
6) Laura screaming upon seeing Cooper in the brush.
Comment: Not sure what Lynch had in mind when he filmed this scene with Laura back when FWWM was made, but he had her looking towards the woods and screaming, now many years later, the scene was retro fitted so that Cooper is offered as the reason why Laura screamed. Doesn’t work. Why? Mainly, because moments later she crosses paths with this same man (Cooper) in the woods and has little to no reaction at all. So why would she be afraid of seeing him off at a distance and then scream, only to be matter-of-fact when meeting him face-to-face?. Not to mention, Cooper would really have to run through the woods quickly to be in position to intercept Laura, as James had taken Laura for a ride on his bike before she jumped off at the infamous intersection. It would have made more sense to have Cooper transported to the trail and just have him wait for her, rather than in the brush for Laura to scream about. But Lynch felt compelled to fill in that unanswered question from FWWM – “why was Laura screaming?” – when it worked just fine as a mystery for we viewers to fill in the answer for ourselves.
7) The drinks (3 examples): The girl with the rash under her arm continuously puts a clearly empty can of beer to her lips to take a "sip;" the two girls who are drinking Heineken and have barely touched their drinks are told by a male friend that they clearly need another and runs off to fetch; in the last episode Cooper clearly has no coffee in his cup (at Judy's) as he sips his imaginary drink.