MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (2017) Discussion > When does it stop being good and just pr...

When does it stop being good and just pretentious?

is it a fine line? what do u guys think?


This season.


Sadly it appears that this season is the correct answer. One need look no further than all the insecure simpletons praising michael cera's painfully idiotic scene for proof.


Well it depends on everyone's taste honestly. There is no objective answer to your question. I, for example, love the new season. I know people who hate it and I can perfectly understand why...Lynch is not for everyone.


A twenty minute shot of an atomic bomb going off...could have cut it down to five minutes and had the same effect.


No. It was stunning. I loved it. If you didn't, that's fine.


I rewatched it, and it's even better the second time.


I rewatched it today also and enjoyed it just as much.

The first part after it entered the explosion reminded me of the fight between light and dark (good and evil).

Would be awesome to see it at the cinema!


Definitely some kind of fight between light and dark.

First time I watched it, it was too much WTF to pay attention to details. Second time I knew what to expect and could concentrate on all the details I missed the first time.

Yea, some people say that Season 3 is like 18 hour long movie.


On balance I've loved the season so far and thought episodes 6 and 7 were the best we've seen. Episode 8 was certainly the strangest episode. I'm sympathetic to both camps--those praising it a visual work of art and those asking for an hour of their life back. I'm between those extremes at this point, giving it an incomplete grade.

Twin Peaks is at its best when it's both weird and coherent. But remember that the episode shouldn't be viewed in a vacuum. It's one part of a greater whole. We're not even halfway through yet. With the right payoffs and explanations later episode 8 could end up being a good part of this "18 hour film". That said, hopefully the next episodes quickly get back on track advancing the plot in satisfying ways like the previous couple did.


Twin Peaks is no where near the line of extreme artsy fartsyness that cinema is capable of. Just because it goes outside of the most basic, straightforward popular entertainment, I don't think that makes it pretentious.


I respectfully disagree. I think it just keeps getting better and better. And the nuclear test scene BLEW MY MIND! I couldn't believe I was actually watching something so great on TV. That was the most amazing scene I've ever seen on TV, and perhaps the more amazing period. I DVR-ed it, so I watched it several times. WOW! Can't wait for episode 9.



I don't know...
