MovieChat Forums > Green Room (2016) Discussion > Are any animals killed?

Are any animals killed?

So I want to see this and in the trailer there is a dog. My girlfriend is an insane animal lover and refuses to see any movie where a dog or a cat is killed on screen. Obviously this drives me crazy... Anyway, can anyone tell me if the dogs in the film die. I noticed in the parental advisory section characters are killed by dogs but it doesn't say anything about the fate of the dogs. Thanks in advance.


I can't recall if there are two dogs. I believe it's just the one which is injured, but ultimately survives (and was a cutie even though he was vicious!)


Thanks! I appreciate the info.


The mass amount of human violence, death, and hatred in this film is not an issue for her? I'm not trying to be a dick, but if you can watch humans go through grueling situations, but not a dog or cat; she may want to seek professional help.


I know what you mean, I've come across people like that IRL as well, many times.

I love animals as well, and I perfectly understand if someone likes animals more than humans, too. But to not see a movie because an animal dies/is killed? Or just leave the theater when something like that happens?

It's just dumb; it's a movie. All you have to know beforehand is if any animals were hurt in the making or not. That's it. If yes, sure, go ahead and boycott the movie, but otherwise it's just a stupid reason.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


It's a quirk she has... I don't understand it and unfortunately, after re-watching the trailer she refuses to see it in spite of the fact that the animals don't die. Oh well, looks like I will see it alone.


Yeah I know, I understand, it's not really anyone's fault but I still feel sorry for you, that really sucks.

I mean, I've seen a fair amount of sad (real) videos about abandoned, neglected and abused animals being given good care, but you just have to be able to separate what's real from fiction, otherwise where does it end? Don't get me wrong, I know there could be hundreds of reasons for people such as your girlfriend to be like that, like maybe some sort of trauma being triggered or something.

It's also a whole other thing when they kill/hurt animals in movies "just because", but if it's part of the plot and if it fits the story I think you should give it a try.

I mean, this is somewhat just like a friend that I had that refused to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy because she didn't believe they could ever top the books, and she didn't want the movies to ruin the books for her. Wtf? How exactly does that happen? If you like something so much, no matter what adapations are made it shouldn't take away anything from your previous experience, that's just dumb. The books will always be good no matter what.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


To be honest she really doesn't care for movies like this at all and seeing animals die is kind of her breaking point. It's a preference--one that she does not need any help for. If it wasn't for my own movie taste she wouldn't bother watching films like this at all.


I hear a lot of people say this. For me, people are able to put themselves into, and extricate themselves from, situations. And people are all too often mean and hurtful because it gives them pleasure to be so. I don't see dogs having these abilities or desires, so I see them as more innocent. I think because of this, the scenes of violenc toward humans just doesn't affect me. But kill a dog? I won't watch the movie again and I'll tell other dog owners to avoid it too. Like John Wick. And even the Kingsman Secret Service (although they didn't end up killing it, but still).


It´s not that weird, actually. I love horror movies, even the more extreme ones like Martyrs or High Tension. And I know it´s not real, but I just don´t like to watch animals suffering in a movie.


The dogs live just fine.


Injured but do not die. There was actually a pretty sad scene with one of the dogs, but I won't reveal anymore.

Come at the king, you best not miss.


You don't see any dogs die, but you do see one get shot with a shotgun and yelps in pain. The owner gives it a shot and says it has about an hour to live, but you don't actually see the dog die.


no but the dog should have been shot

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


I love dogs, but I really wanted the characters to stab the hell out of that dog. That dog deserved to die brutally.


When I saw the movie, everyone would go "awwhhh" when the dog was on screen. At one point I said "Screw that dog." The girl behind me didn't like that too much


Haha that's hilarious that you actually said that during the movie. Yeah that dog did more damage than the bad guys. If they completely tortured the crap out of it, I would've been totally okay with that.


Sad thing about the dog was that it was just following its owners orders. Kind of sad how at the end it just lied down next to its dead owner showing how good of a dog it really was, it's not often that a movie makes you sympathize with killer dogs. Like pit bulls, they aren't born vicious it's all how they're raised.


To clarify an answer for this question, yes one dog dies. The dog that commits most of the horrible acts is put down with an injection. Although not explicitly shown, it's body is seen next to the other dead human characters lined up at the end.


SPOILERS I thought the injection was something to keep it alive for another hour after it got shot. He says something like "This will keep him alive for another hour. If he dies with meat in his teeth I'll consider it a favor"


I believe they were staging the dog to look like it had attacked the band stealing gas, been shot, then Stewart and gang shot them in response. (The reason being is that Stewart eventually drops his stance on killing the last two with guns).

I think the line about it 'Dying with meat on it's teeth' was the owners quiet anger at the dog being injured by the people it was attempting to kill.

If I watch it again though, I'm going to really focus in on that scene, and figure it out.


I just figured that the injection was going to kill the dog in an hour. I don't know but it was a really nice touch showing the dog lie down next to its owner in the end.


The dog that lies it's head down on the owner was the one that escaped into the woods earlier, not the one he injected. I totally agree with you though, that scene was weirdly touching (considering it took place between a vicious fight dog, and it's dead Neo-Nazi owner haha).


It's just that that small gesture showed the dog was just following orders and respects its owner, mans best friend after all. I think I'm going to have to re watch this movie soon.


Exactly. Even though the dogs did most of the killing, the dog at the end showed the only genuine love found in the entire film.

Yeah, it was a really good one, I'm going back myself.


The dog that lies it's head down on the owner was the one that escaped into the woods earlier, not the one he injected.

The one that escaped into the woods was the one that he injected. He injected the dog, then gave it to the guys that were going in to kill the 2 remaining protagonists (saying that he wanted the dog to die with meat in its teeth, and gave them the command to make the dog bite, and then Darcy said to ignore that and just shoot them). When they got in there, the protagonists had setup the speaker and microphone to produce feedback, and that sound is what caused the dog to run off into the woods.


Yeah, upon repeat viewing, you're correct. I missed Clark's line about 'meat on it's teeth' the first time because of poor sound levels in my theater. So if anything, in response to the OP's original question, two dogs die.


Only one dog dies. And that's assuming that Clark was right that it was going to die within an hour, since we don't actually see it die.

There were at most 3 dogs that we know of. There's the dog that kills Tiger and then attacks Amber. This dog is chased out by the sound of the feedback when Pat puts the microphone on the speaker. After Clark puts him back in the cage, he tells Darcy that the dog is too worked up and needs to rest. Darcy says to send in a different dog, or even two dogs, and Clark says he can't until the feedback is turned off (and that sending in 2 fight dogs at the same time wouldn't work, anyway).

Then there's the dog that kills Sam after she shoots it with the shotgun. Since this is the only dog that we see get injured, that is presumably the one that Clark injects so it can live for another hour. Plus, that injection happens only a few minutes after the scene where the dog is shot. And as I said, the dog that was injected is the one that runs off into the woods when the later feedback is created, and then lies down next to Clark's body at the end (where it probably dies).

The only other dog is the one that Clark has near the end, when Amber and Pat show up at Clark's place. Amber makes him tie the dog up, and that's the last we see of it. It's possible this is the same as the first dog, or it could be a third one, there's no way to know for sure. But either way, there's no reason to think it died.


The way I saw it was the dog he half-ass ties to the fence is the one that escapes into the woods and later lies down. As it walks past them, it has no apparent injury. No blood, no limp, etc. The injected dog had visible, debilitating injuries. It's a slim dog, like a Dobie. The escapee is a stocky dog, like maybe a Rottweiler.

The credits list two "Main Dogs," so I assume there's at least a third, the "fighting dog" that is NOT sent after the band. As I recall the actor-dogs' names are very non-fighting sounding, like "Winky" and "Fluffy" or something. I looked for their names but couldn't find them.
