finally canceled

next Batwoman


Yep.Season 6 will be its last.Can't say i'm sorry to see it go.It started out as a half way decent sci fi superhero show then it turned into a woke train wreck.


It started ok, then it went woke. It’s weird that Arrow seemed to do better regardless of the story line.

Does this supergirl still pose with hands on hips in later seasons?


Stopped watching a few seasons ago except for crossovers but I believe she does


It was around that time I gave up also.


yeah, but now she wears pants


Does this supergirl still pose with hands on hips in later seasons?

Someone should create a superhero/ine named after that pose: Akimbo.


I tried and I tried to get showrunners to return to the season 1 format... sent them idea after idea some of which they stole.
I even learned how to write in the screenplay format and submitted the equivalent of 26 episodes with multiple arcs. No joy.

Then I cut it down to about a trilogy in hopes a stand alone Supergirl movie was in the near future. When I heard WB was having Oren Uzziel develop it for possibilities I cut to the bare bones and got a single movie script and I pitched it. No joy.

Plus it was just a tactic to get Henry Cavill back in line at WB. Ho hum.

I created several video mock ups to help sell the ideas... this one is a bit long but it was to simulate the opening of the movie. It's just a mock up.


the show is not canceled, it's ending.


Yeah. I don't get. How many seasons does a show need to have exactly? I never watched the show nor had the slightest interest but still i'm half cringing, half laughing at the anti/"sjw" anti-"woke"ers celebrating & proclaiming this as some sort of "go woke go broke" victory. A show like this going on for 6 seasons is considered a success. It's all pretty silly


Hardly. The goal of any show is to make it too 100 episodes, thats how many it takes to make it to syndication...

The show failed.


Umm well hello 5 months later. Breaking Bad is considered a very successful show that only ran for 5 seasons with 62 episodes & they didn't seem to have a problem securing syndication, so there's that.


That's a serial, dumbass...not an episodic show.


Somehow the quality of response that was expected. *troll ignored*


What? The one where I was right and you were wrong? Congratulations, I guess.



The producers were given a choice: end it due to shit rating and disgusting SJW attitudes or you will be canceled …


It was a nice idea but honesty I thought it was pretty terrible from the start. I didn’t make it past Season 1.


^ haha, i hope so.

i had a few moments with Supergirl.. but overall a weak show.



Batwoman is next. That the star of Batwoman quit tells us all we need to know about the future of the series.

These are TV shoes, but their failures are harbigners for the future of superhero movies. At least in the near term, is discouraging. Avengers Endgame was the crescendo of the genre, and now it seems it is all downhill from that, at least so far. They are trying to entice us with a middle-aged Black Widow, but without a good story (which I am not sure they have), they can't depend on an aging Scarlett Johansen to carry the film to blockbuster status (which is the standard for Marvel superhero films).

If Hollywood cares about keeping interest in superhero films alive (or movies in general), the should quit stalling on proven favorites like Deadpool and Guardians of the galaxy and get them out to theaters before it is too late (and shitcan the politically motivated bullshit). I am a lifelong cinephile and I don't want to say goodbye to the theater experience just yet.


You think 36 is middle-aged? LOL!


Not really surprised. The writing has been on the wall for awhile now with the ratings cratering in the past few years. I honestly don't hate the show but it is by far the weakest of the Arrowverse (save for maybe Batwoman). Still, it had its moments. Season 1 was decent if a if bit bland. S2 was actually overall solid since they brought in Superman which gave the show a huge shot in the arm. S3 was where the problems really started to arise with much of the focus being on the typical CW drama tropes (this time with lesbians!). S4 was slightly better since they brought in Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor and had a halfway decent overarching villian with Agent Liberty. S5 was pretty meh but some of that can probably be attributed to the COVID shutdowns. I plan on watching it until the end because I'm a completionist but I probably wouldn't recommend the show as a whole unless you're a hardcore DC fanboy. For everyone else, I'd say watch S1&2 and then maybe S4 if you're really interested.


Wow, I was shocked it even still on. I watched a few episodes early on and not a good show.
