I did not like Space Cop
So I just finished watching the long awaited Space Cop and I must say I'm quite disappointed. The movie is quite bad. But not entertainingly bad. The story felt like they made it up as they went along, the acting was awful (especially our leads unfortunately), it's like they weren't even trying to make a good movie anymore. Apart from the CGI and the miniatures - those were nice but the rest of it was just terrible. I would forgive bad sets, technical details or things of that nature as a result of a micro-budget production but not the bad writing. I wasn't expecting academy award material but I was expecting at least something clever. The thing is that the technical side is actually mostly ok. There are some technical issues with the soundmix and adr that were a bit distracting but that's not the problem. The problem is that they tried to make a comedy again for some reason but the humor fell completely flat, the dialog was painful, both Rich and Mike's performances were mostly just obnoxious. The movie reminded me mostly of their 48 hour project, it was that level of quality. Overall the movie feels like a bad idea that got somehow turned into a movie, without thinking things through, that was then pushed out of the door just to get it over with. Even the numerous references to other RLM stuff did not make up for the awful script.
I have to agree with others that SC is definitely a leap back from FF. What happened ? Did you guys forget to take your brain medicine ?