Fictional story based on a lie
If anyone wants to look up what really happened that fateful day look no further than the RAW pics that were censored: The Boston Bombing was a FEMA Capstone Hyperactive Drill. The pictures below prove that Jeff Bauman's story is a complete and utter lie from start to finish. The FBI not only knew who these brothers were but helped to prop them up and radicalize them by entrapment methods. They entrapped and used them as scapegoats, just as we have seen in past years with the underwear bomber and the mentally ill individual in Florida. Domestic terrorism is largely manufactured and compartmentalized.
I'm not claiming that the bombing was fake, what I'm stating is that the official narrative is a lie, and the pictures prove it. From where the bomb supposedly blew up, to what kind and where the back-pack was placed. These pictures will provide evidence for the propaganda and outright lies that is the official narrative of the Boston Marathon Bombing.