Best quote
She: Your club will be successful because you're passionate about it, and people love what other people are passionate about.
He: Not in my experience.
She: Your club will be successful because you're passionate about it, and people love what other people are passionate about.
He: Not in my experience.
I’m passionate about Lorenzo’s Oil.
shareThat's a great exchange.
I also like: "Maybe you just liked me when I was on my was, because it made you feel better about yourself"
There's some truth to that line, although maybe not for the reasons Seb thought.
Mia was putting herself on the line and struggling to fulfil her dreams. It made her feel less of an unrealistic fool when Seb was doing the same, rather than selling out and getting a steadier gig, as she perceived him to. When he joined his friend's band, if made her feel even more exposed as a struggling actress.
Another part of Mia's frustration with Seb's decision to 'sell out' is that it was partly his idealism, something she shared, that initially attracted her to him. In rejecting that idealism he was also, in some ways, rejecting a significant part of what she stood for.
(Describing Hollywood)
"They worship anything and they value nothing."
"They worship everything and they value nothing" - Sebastian
"People love what other people are passionate about" - Mia