Kathleen Kennedy trashes Solo

Kathleen Kennedy says they learned from ‘SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY’ that getting a new actor to replicate any of the OG characters is near impossible.

“Now it does seem so abundantly clear that we can’t do that.”

(Source: https://vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/05/star-wars-cover-the-rebellion-will-be-televised)


so no more lando show?


I wouldn't say that. Donald Glover does a good job recreating the charisma of Billy Dee Williams.

Alden Ehrenreich didn't give off that rogue-ish Solo charm.

Part of it was the writing where he was deliberately written as more soft spoken and subdued than Solo because he was 'young' Solo who hadn't yet morphed into the cynical Harrison Ford version.


Donald Glover did indeed a good job here as well as Alden Ehrenreich.


Translation: "We're going to use deep fakes to ruin OT characters from now on".


I read the whole vanity fair article, there was no trashing.

This is the whole paragraph on Solo

The 2018 movie Solo explored Han Solo’s younger years, with Alden Ehrenreich taking on the role of the smuggler originated by Harrison Ford. The film has its admirers, but it made less at the box office than any other live-action Star Wars movie. Solo’s swagger may be too singular for another actor to replicate. “There should be moments along the way when you learn things,” says Kennedy. “Now it does seem so abundantly clear that we can’t do that.”


She forgets the impact of the movie coming out right after that godawful Last Jedi crap was released. People lost faith because Disney was just churning out shit movies with Star Wars tagged on them. Hell the last damn trilogy was pretty much a rehash of the original movies with a woke twist to them. People weren't asking for a woke reboot they just wanted a popcorn worthy movie to pass time and what they got was unoriginal shit. When Disney returns to making the movies for entertainment and not woke propaganda the audience might return, but until then they will just continue to flounder compared to the success of the originals.


I'm not commenting on the quality of Solo, or it's reception. I'm only commenting on the OP saying

Kathleen Kennedy trashes Solo

I don't see any trashing.


Trashing is too harsh... Though she does seem to be putting the movies failure at the feet of the actor when the failure is likely based on a lot more than that. Frankly Solo was so forgettable that I honestly can't remember what the plot of it even was.


I just took that comment as that replacing well loved characters didn't seem to work. That they learned from that. I didn't think she was harsh on the actor. Maybe she was, but it doesn't read that way to me.


Main problem was they didn't get an actor that really looked like what Harrison Ford would have looked like when Hans would have been younger. They should have pulled some old stills from American Graffiti where Harrison Ford was younger, and then sought to find an actor that looked as close as possible to those stills. Instead they find an actor that was 4 inches shorter had a rounder fatter face and then want the audience to forget what the older Hans Solo looked like... Sorry but that was simply bad casting.

Frankly I think they probably put more effort into casting the guy that plays Indiana Jones in the stunt show at Hollywood Studios than they put into finding the actor for the Solo movie.


Fans wanted Anthony Ingruber as Han. He was already in a Harrison Ford movie...



Hes rumored to be in Indy 5


I remember seeing that movie around the time "Solo" came out and being flabbergasted that they hadn't cast that guy...He's a dead ringer(he even sounds like Ford!)


Translation: bitch Kennedy blames everyone except herself for her studio's shortcomings.
