Solo 2 trending
Yeh that's probably not going to happen
Twitters a funny thing (well SM in general is but esp Twitter) in that ppl (the 30 something 'neckbeard' types)can latch on to something like Synders JL or Solo 2 or whatever and try to make out its awesome and a misunderstood masterpiece and turn it in to a cause and get it trending when really the general consensus is that whatever it is (JL, Solo etc) was cancelled or bombed for good reason..
Ok the Snyder JL is quite intriguing and I guess that's a big reason why its happening.. but I mean c'mon..everyone knows Solo kind of sucked right? took SW's most exciting character and gave him a needless, boring, dull brown origin movie..with a guy who just wasn't really hitting it. And as a result it because SW's 1st bomb and killed the spin off movies. Solo 2 won't happen unless its like a flashback episode of the Mandalorian or something