Should Have Done the Boba Fett Movie Instead
Terrible idea making a movie about Han Solo with a different actor. Nobody wants to see some unknown playing a role made iconic by a Hollywood legend
I'm not a big Harrison Ford fan, but he obviously brought a level of charisma to the character that would be impossible to replicate by an unknown that was only hired because of a passing resemblance to the original.
Boba Fett would have been WAY easier to cast. A) he wore a mask in the originals so he could be played by anyone (if you ignore the Jango Fett clone thing) and B) he had very few lines and not much of a personality so you don't have to live up to any iconic performance
People liked Han Solo because of what the actor brought to the role. People like Boba Fett because of the inherent coolness of the character. So they F'd up by not focusing on the Boba Fett movie instead