Idiot Rian Johnson calls fans "manbabies" in new tweet
SJWs never learn.
SJWs never learn.
I wonder if these people actually believe these things of if they say it to get promoted.
shareThey DO say it to impress other SJWs, but there aren't enough SJWs to keep Star Wars fandom alive after alienating long time fans.
shareThey need followers.
Can't have a cult without followers silly!
He needs to keep proving that he's a good believer. He needs to prove his merits to deserve the job, and obviously being a good director is not one of them, so... what else could he do to keep his job but to preach out loud his faith in SJWism?
shareHe seems to be talking about the sexist and racist trolls that drove Kellie Marie Tran off Instagram.
She didn't want anymore harassment from the toxic contingent of the Star Wars fandom.
Are you aware of this recent event?
I'm aware of the claim Spanners, not of the evidence.
Do you happen to have some to support said claim?
Plenty of his followers are chiming in with responses on that tweet to support Rose, so there is your evidence.
shareYeah, I was afraid it was a listen and believe campaign.
I asked for evidence of harassment, not support from blinkered Prometheus lovers.
Oh evidence of harassment -- Well it's a news story I read this morning. Kellie shut down her Instagram account because of being attacked for months, and many people saw the harassment she was getting.
I would link to the story for someone more worthy, but you just had to toss in more of your ancient Prometheus bashing, so I'm not going to bother doing your work for you.
Lazy ass.
Yes, I read the same story too Spanners.
Sadly, like you it lacked any integrity as it wasn't sourced.
Best I could find was someone having a pithy remark (At best) which wasn't related to Kellie or her work on TLJ and the Hillary media mob I'm going to have to call...
Oh, there's a follow up comments which you've admitted to in the past but I'm not a doxxer and so this one stays put.
Nice try though self-admitted sexual deviant statutory rapist trying to get some through sympathising with those who will give you none.
I can supply other members here though who definitely saw it and will testify to that affect.
Where is your listen and believe now Spanners?
It was the drugs dealing bit that got me about the whole thing really.
I could maybe have accounted for the rest, but the bragging...
Well 5 minutes of Google has informed me that she hasn't given any reasons as to why she took down her Instagram and the source of the harassment angle is a twitter account called Starwars facts.
Here's another recent tweet of theirs:
"In the book 'Maul: Lockdown' Darth Maul fought a Wampa in single combat with no lightsaber. Although the fight did not start well for Maul, he finished off the Wampa by ripping it's heart out with his bare hands #StarWars"
So now we have news stories being created by a twitter account dedicated to revealing the 'facts' of a fantasy movie series.
Jesus Christ, the sweet bliss of the rapture can not come soon enough.
Prometheus was an attempt at greatness...
Maybe it reached too far, soared too close to the sun and was controversial for it, but that is far from a middling, ironic StarWars sequel that was controversial for offending skme fans because of identity politics and the fate of an old character from the previous movies...
"Prometheus was an attempt at greatness..."
Oh dear me Renovatio, you are easily fooled aren't you?
Why do I get the feeling that if only Transformers had included a gratuitous shot of a crucifix and had characters utter pearlers such as 'That's what I believe' you'd be making excuses for that too?
The script for Prometheus reads like an idiot trying to rewrite Aliens vs Predator after smoking a fat one.
I said it was an attempt, I didn't say that greatness was realised or achieved... 😉
It's clearly a movie by someone who was reaching for more... Someone who was trying to take it further than anyone had expected from a space monster movie...
That sensibility alone sets it apart from Last Jedi or Solo...
If that's what he's referring to, he needs to comment in a more professional way instead of rolling around in the mud.
shareWell your topic is assuming he's talking about general Star Wars fans, and there is absolutely nothing specifying that in his Tweet.
I agree it's a very vague message, but it certainly doesn't say what you claimed.
There seems to be no evidence Tran was harrassed. This is looking like a typical SJW stunt of playing victim for something that never happened.
shareWas it also a stunt when Star Wars fans harassed and bullied a kid, harassed Hayden Christensen so much he took a break from acting and rarely associated with star wars anymore, and attacked George Lucas so much he sold the franchise? The freaks of star wars have a history of attacking people.
shareHow you know these are men?
Rose is the worst character since jar jar. The character also got between popular ships. Fangirls are just as bad as attacking actors.
Can someone answer me this:
So in The Last Jedi, Finn decides that the only way to save everyone is to sacrifice himself and fly into the engine (I only saw it once on opening night so my memory might be a little off).
Rose, because she loves Finn and believes he is more valuable alive than dead decides to stop him.
So she stops him by ramming her ship into his ship at top speed. Does THAT make any sense?
He most likely would have died because of that action AND he would not have been able to sacrifice himself to save everyone.
Yeah, everybody thought that part was dumb.
shareWhat I don't get about those old "ski speeders" is that they didn't seem to have any weapons. They're rushing out there like they're going to start shooting the feet of the walkers (since they can't climb high enough to shoot at the head), but not one of them fires a single shot, making me think the speeders had no weapons.
Finn decides to sacrifice himself without even TRYING to shoot down the barrel of that cannon... The entire thing just made ZERO sense.
If the speeders had weapons, I would have expected to see at least one shot fired. The fact that no shots were fired leads me to believe they had no weapons, and thus there was no plan whatsoever.
Jar Jar was actually helpful from time to time, if only by accident.
shareSee...*rubs my temples*...this is the problem: regardless of her character, the actress doesn't deserve such scathing hatred over it. This is Jake Lloyd all over again. She was hired to play a part and she did it. End of story. She doesn't deserve the disgusting posts she received.
And I say all this as someone who despises The Last Jedi.
With this kind of attitude there's going to be a negative Box Office for Episode IX LOL.
shareHis rather dull website links his films to the IMDb pages of his movies...too bad they don't have forums anymore!
shareI hate today's society so much. I mean seriously, when did we as human beings de-evolve so much to the point where we have come to such crappy terms like "manbabies" and "manchild" on a daily regular basis??? What is even more bothering is the fact that the people who use these terms are the biggest things they accuse others of being.
shareHaha his films are void of criticism - lest you be branded on social media ...
shareHis tweet was the result of the Harassment that Kelly Marie Tran has been subjected to. I can't blame him. Some fans have gone way overboard. By all accounts Kelly Marie Tran is a super nice girl. She does not deserve the backlash. I for one really liked the Character of Rose.
Anyhow fans acting like Douchebags and harassing an actress from the films is not helping their cause.
I also mentioned this, but the OP might be one of the douchebags because he claims there's "no evidence" she was harassed. Apparently it's some kind of SJW publicity stunt conspiracy, or something.
shareBut as I understand it she hasn't said why she took her Instagram down, and the 'harrasment' is just guesswork from random twitter accounts. So not only is there (currently) no evidence there's not even any claim of harassment.
Saying this, It's highly likely she was getting crap and if she was those people are arseholes but until somebody actually comes out and says something this is all just conjecture.
And how does RJ's tweet improve the situation? Every day just brings us more evidence that the internet was a mistake.
True. But he probably said it in the heat of the moment. As for the internet is a mistake. Yeah. It just may be. Lol
shareI read a lot of that twitter conversation and one of them said :
TFA: Too Familiar
TLJ: Too Radical
Solo: Too Safe
Yes I saw that too and it annoyed the hell out of me. Even if it was true (and it isn't - TLJ is just a pushme/pullyou version of Empire and RotJ) then so what? Like it's not possible to go from too familiar to too radical?