MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > I didn't go because: sexuality

I didn't go because: sexuality

Sure it seems like a weak excuse, but I did not BOYCOTT this film... I was merely confused why a STAR WARS film had ANYTHING to do with sexuality. I'm sure it probably didn't but that was the final straw... their grab at viral headlines concerning the current trend of #MySexualityIsSomethingEveryoneNeedsToKnowAbout -ism. Fog that. Not supporting that life wasting endeavor. I just wanted to watch an action Star Wars movie. Ruined by Panny, tranny, omni, asexual, homo, lgbt, whatever, who gives a ship, leave it at home and STFU about it already.


I was disappointed that the movie didn't dive into that relationship a lot more graphically. It was the most interesting, compelling part of the movie.


It wasn't much. Lando has what we would call, a, sexbot, just like the millions of those ordering them from Japan. For him, it's just a companion. That is all regarding sexuality this movie delved into, and it was barely a couple moments. Not much different than Jabba playing around with Twi'lek slave girls in Jedi.


people are posting based on the title, without reading the CONTEXT of my short paragraph post. :( (SIGH... INTERWEBS)


"I was merely confused why a STAR WARS film had ANYTHING to do with sexuality."

It doesn't, so you can go see the movie.

"I just wanted to watch an action Star Wars movie. Ruined by ... "

That's really all it was, an action Star Wars movie. It was not ruined by any of the things you listed. There were 2 moments (earlier I said 1, but another response reminded me of a 2nd moment) in the movie. One when the droid says Lando has a crush on her and say that it's not going to happen, and another where Lando morns the droid's death.

There you go. Problem solved. I read your original post (again), and have responded so as to alleviate all of your fears. You need not be concerned about the "sexuality" of this movie. Go, and enjoy!
