I think all those grand plans will go on hold, not officially scrapped, but parked until IX. At that point whatever happens I think Kennedy is gone. Whatever way you look at it the production of nearly every single Disney Star Wars film has been troubled and half the fan base seems to be in open revolt and Star Wars should be a slam dunk, not a cluster fuck. If IX is successful she'll move on 'triumphant' (possibly promoted out of the way) and if it flops she'll be fired. Either way I think every project in the works will then be reassessed by whoever comes in. Hope Rian hasn't spent too long on his new scripts as there is no way he's getting a trilogy. Looking at TLJ drop off and Solo's disastrous opening it looks like his 'subversion' of Star Wars has cost Disney around $500M Dollars, give or take. If he's lucky he might get to write the forward for one of those wanky spin off novels but he's not going to be let anywhere near a Star Wars Movie again.