MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Kennedy's ultimate payback for "I know" ...

Kennedy's ultimate payback for "I know" line ...

EVEN THOUGH Leia already bought the line full-circle in ROTJ - you just KNOW that kennedy can't stand to watch ESB because of Han's macho line to Leia before he is frozen.

This was obviously one of the main reasons for kennedy demanding that Han's character be 100% undone (loser father, failure, back to low-life smuggler) and killed off as punishment in TFA.

You can BET that Han's entire life all comes down to the actions of one (or more) other characters that carry the classic kennedy signature.

His future was destroyed, now it's time to neuter his past ...


I'm sure Kathleen was also responsible for the great Yoda and Kenobi deciding to abandon their battle against the Dark Side and go into hiding for decades while the Empire ravaged the galaxy.

I'm sure she was responsible for the Empire being all male, while the Rebels had two significant female leaders that coordinated the attacks against the two Death Stars: Leia, and Mon Mothma.

I bet Kennedy was also responsible for deciding that the best way to introduce Leia as a strong female character was to have her insult and disparage male characters, even slinging a collateral-damage insult at Chewbacca (walking carpet) for the crime of being Han's co-pilot.

Just sayin'


... wow you're offended that people don't like kennedy? Why is that exactly?

Your regarding the OT don't even appear to be in the same context as this thread ... you are getting desperate now :/


"wow you're offended that people don't like Kennedy?"

Not at all. I don't like people taking cheap shots against non-whites and non-males just because they're feeling insecure.

FYI: I am white, and I am male.

"Your regarding the OT don't even appear to be in the same context as this thread"

Because you lack basic comprehension. It's probably the reason you're insecure and feel threatened by women.


You're male? ..... could have fooled me.

Also LOL! The old 'ur insecure' line doesn't work around here champ, but nice try.

Clearly the only insecurity is by kennedy (and by extension, yourself) who think that those racial/gender groups that you mentioned (also laughing at how racist/sexist you are) are 100% devoid of any criticism.

To reiterate YOU CANNOT HANDLE any criticism of those racial/gender groups.

I believe it's being called a beta male, white knight etc ... good luck with that.

(The rey character is also a disgrace of a mary sue :)).


who think that those racial/gender groups that you mentioned (also laughing at how racist/sexist you are) are 100% devoid of any criticism.

To reiterate YOU CANNOT HANDLE any criticism of those racial/gender groups.

You're not "criticizing" anyone or anything, you're just taking a random, meaningless cheap shot based on a completely fictional story you've made up in your head about Kennedy disliking a line of dialogue --- A story which I don't think you actually believe, making this topic even more meaningless and making your defensive posture right here absolutely ridiculous.

Then again, maybe you do believe the "payback" tale you've told here, which would be delusional.


No one is taking cheep shots against anyone, nor does anyone give a crap about what color/gender the characters are. Only people like you do.


"No one is taking cheep shots against anyone"

This topic presents a completely fictional story about Kathleen Kennedy in order to bash her, which is 100% a cheap shot.

"nor does anyone give a crap about what color/gender the characters are"

Kathleen Kennedy is not a Star Wars character! WTF? Are you paying attention to anything? (I'm guessing "no")

The fictional story in this topic is completely based on Kathleen being a woman. Her gender is central to this B.S. topic.


It's not about her being a woman at all, you just jumped to this conclusion because you are triggered anytime a woman is criticised, as you mentioned yourself earlier.

Kennedy stated that she hired more female writers than male writers so that she could have as many 'of us' in the room as 'the men'. More women = equal numbers according to her math skills.

The development of Han Solo is a disgrace and the ONLY reason you 'dont have a problem' with it is because there was a female team of writers that are behind it?

You're nothing but a sexist piece of shht who thinks you are going to score feminist points by getting butthurt at topics on this board.... pathetic.


Oh and P.S., I'll tell you what no one gives a crap about: This topic. Notice how the only response it's gotten has been me, and only to poke holes in the OP's idea.


You care enough to reply to everything with triggered butthurt replies like usual.

You're becoming even more of a loser with each day that passes.


I responded too silly omg


Kennedy has one job: Get the product made. That's it. She isn't a creative. She could be doing this, or running a company that makes highway cones. Just get the product made, get it out, and get it sold.

People attaching any other motives to Kennedy just don't get what she's about. That's why she likes Rian Johnson and Ron Howard. They get the job done, they don't worry about "artistic" motives. They too just want to get the product out. Period.


Thats not Kennedy at all. Cause no thinking person would have greenlighted TLJ. It was as braindead and franchise damaging as possible. There is in the meantime no doubt about that anymore (the income of this movie doenst matter much, cause in each and every market, where movie viewers had the chance to read viewer reports first this movie failed on a historic level). There is just discussion left how much financial damged Kennedy did with TLJ.

So no its not aobut the economy :) . Its about a fragile woman, which thinks that all women are victims. And that its her mission to hit that message onto any moviegoers head :) .

Thats the problem with her. And thats why she is a complete failure at her position.


HAHA nice try but kennedy is an open militant feminist who has stated SEVERAL times that she is actively working to transition the films she works on towards a female-centric audience. She has also expanded this to production related roles as well with her dream to be entire films created and starring women only. She has also publicly stated that she wants to *specifically* hire a female director and to ensure that she is 'set up for success' when she does so. All in the name of equality.

This obviously shines through in the films themselves. So the tired old "It's just a movie to make money, who cares what is actually in it" routine is a bit off the mark ...


If Game of Thrones says it to Not Han Solo first there will be no surprise when I find out about from someone who has seen the film.


This would be too funny if true.
