Just watched Apollo 13 again

If anyone could pull this film out of the fire, it’s Ron Howard.

If it turns out to be a p.o.s. on the order of Last Jedi, the blame will belong to Kennedy and her “Story Group”.


I realize this statement is subjective, but I'd say he's directed at least as many, if not more cinematic turds than he has good ones.

So IMO, this could go either way. I think the biggest problem is the premise of the movie itself. Nobody asked or wanted to see an origin story for Han Solo. We don't need any more prequels demystifying beloved characters.


I have no doubt this film will be better than TLJ.


Yes, he's directed some very good films, but it's been quite a while since he directed a big hit, or a film I really liked.

Still, everything I've heard about this film makes it sound like "Justice League", where a name director was brought in to clean up someone else's mess with no real hope that the end results would wonderful... but maybe profitable.


The director tag team is always something to be concerned about. It worked out for Rogue One, although we'll never know what we missed. It didn't quite work out for Justice League even though it was loads better than Batman vs Superman.


Yeah, a director being fired in mid-film is always bad news. Almost always. Studios don't do that unless they're convinced things are totally unsalvable as is, but by the time the change is made it's too late to fix all the problems.

Still, there are exceptions. "Rogue One" is notable, I really loved that movie. And then there's "Superman II", one of my favorite films of all time.


Yeah, and the Grinch was such a fucking masterpiece, wasn't it(?)

Face it, I can't take a director who was once the scrawny freckly youth in Happy Days, next to the powerful Fonz. It would've been more appropriate if he'd been the one to jump the shark.


Never saw The Grinch. I'm guessing from your reaction that I didn't miss anything good.

He's done some excellent films and some clunkers. On balance, I think he's a talented guy so maybe there is hope.


lol yes. Ron Howard is both the best and the worst director we got. He takes risks and he's not afraid to throw everybody's money away.

Apollo 13 is a masterpiece, I watch that one every year.


Howard is GREAT when it comes to docudramas. It's his other movies that I find mediocre.

It seems that telling true stories grabs Howard's filmmaking skills in unique ways. When he isn't doing those, I think he is one of those directors who dutifully gets the job done. But, the results can be pretty uninspired.


The problem is that Howard doenst have to decide anyhting at all. He ist just the guy leading the team in an structural way. All the creative and politicla direction come from Kennedy alone. So as much as I like Howard, he doesnt have to say anything at this movie at all.

The former directors were fired cause they ignored the Super Justice Warrior Kennedy all the time (for a good reason, cause she lost contact to Star Wars a long time ago :) ). So do you really think that Kennedy will accept now, after she fired independet directors, any different opnion then hers at all? Think different :)

BTW Ruin Johnson isnt a director at all. But he was a perfect Kennedy subordinate. That was his one and only purpose.


You're probably right. The abomination that was The Last Jedi gives little reason for hope.
