Forum Closing

So we have 2 weeks until the forum gets shut down. Then we get to suffer 2 and a half months of being with out Gotham to boot.

To the Tolls/Roaches of the internet congratulations on ruining another site with your negative feedback. Instead of having healthy debates and respecting others feelings and thoughts. You have to send threats that do nothing but hurt people.

To the nice normal fans who come here to have healthy discussions, it's been nice knowing you and exchanging of ideas, theories about this wonderful show.

To Crown: idk if you will read this but you are a good person I know we have had our differences but you definitely make a good case for the most part.

Let's hope that Gotham goes on for many years to come and we get to learn more about these facinating characters. If anyone knows of any healthy websites to continue these conversations perhaps share them and pray that the trolls/roaches don't follow and ruin them too.

Take Care




I can't believe they are doing this. The message boards are one of the reasons I use IMDb, to see other people's views and discuss things. I haven't really seen trolls (people who would say things just to make others mad) or spammers on the Gotham board but they are on plenty others. Figuring they are the reason IMDb is closing the message boards.

It's been good talking with you and others on here. I agree with hoping Gotham lasts for more seasons. Two weeks left until this section of IMDb is gone smh. Hopefully they bring it back one day though, the good reasons people use it shall overshadow the bad.


There are a lot of trolls on some IMDB boards, and they are poorly moderated.
But most people are fine. And the message boards are the main reason to come here. This is a huge mistake.


Been nice talking to the people here, no more will you have to suffer with my explanations of past comic events that tie in with Gotham and how canon has been flexible since Batman started in 1939.

Au revoir.


Don't just accept this result,and let the message boards fade away into the night.
If you have a Facebook or Twitter;do what many fans are doing and log into your account,go to IMDB's page and tell them what a stupid idea shutting the forums down is.
We can get things changed if they see the outcry is loud enough.


Or start a better site. The whole point was to have a place to discuss movies.


The movie/show forums are the only reason I come to this site. Are they really closing them down because too many thin skinned people are getting their feelings hurt by complete strangers? WTF is this world coming to? Sticks and stones may break may bones but words will never hurt me, used to be something just about everyone lived by. Now apparently it really has become sticks and stones my break my bones but words will absolutely crush me emotionally so could someone please make sure nobody ever says anything mean to me ever again. SMH .😩


This is crap, if you ask me.

The damn forums are the reason I spend so much time on this site.
Moderators are terrorists.


This is terrible!!! The IMDB message board is what it is. I accept it for all the good and bad. Don't take it away!!



The greatest trick God ever pulled was convincing the world that He's good.
