Forum Closing
So we have 2 weeks until the forum gets shut down. Then we get to suffer 2 and a half months of being with out Gotham to boot.
To the Tolls/Roaches of the internet congratulations on ruining another site with your negative feedback. Instead of having healthy debates and respecting others feelings and thoughts. You have to send threats that do nothing but hurt people.
To the nice normal fans who come here to have healthy discussions, it's been nice knowing you and exchanging of ideas, theories about this wonderful show.
To Crown: idk if you will read this but you are a good person I know we have had our differences but you definitely make a good case for the most part.
Let's hope that Gotham goes on for many years to come and we get to learn more about these facinating characters. If anyone knows of any healthy websites to continue these conversations perhaps share them and pray that the trolls/roaches don't follow and ruin them too.
Take Care