Forum Closing

So we have 2 weeks until the forum gets shut down. Then we get to suffer 2 and a half months of being with out Gotham to boot.

To the Tolls/Roaches of the internet congratulations on ruining another site with your negative feedback. Instead of having healthy debates and respecting others feelings and thoughts. You have to send threats that do nothing but hurt people.

To the nice normal fans who come here to have healthy discussions, it's been nice knowing you and exchanging of ideas, theories about this wonderful show.

To Crown: idk if you will read this but you are a good person I know we have had our differences but you definitely make a good case for the most part.

Let's hope that Gotham goes on for many years to come and we get to learn more about these facinating characters. If anyone knows of any healthy websites to continue these conversations perhaps share them and pray that the trolls/roaches don't follow and ruin them too.

Take Care


*beep* all the trolls. Man, IMDB was unique. I'm going to miss it. 😞

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.


Try out it has boards for Gotham and many other popular shows


Also Reddit have a big sub for Gotham and some other shows. There is also Fan Forum which is a big forum with plenty of topics for shows.


Goodbye everyone. It's been a fun decade or so.


Setting your house on fire because it has roaches is the definition of moronic. I don't think they realize how many people only use this website for the forums and will never visit it again if they remove them. I have no idea what the best alternative is.


Yeah it's a tough one, I had a look over at TV.Com however they are a bit clunky at best, though that may be a get used to the way it works situation. One bonus I guess with their Community is you can discuss shows episode by episode, so spoilers would be rare as you'd have to go into that episodes thread to see the chat (has general discussion as well).

Not sure though, time will tell I guess.


They'll feel it in their advertising revenues as their clicks will reduce dramatically.


so because everyone came here to rip crappy shows and movies in the forums section we now have to lose the messageboards? Typical amazon/hollywood no suprise here.

I guess pretty soon all movies will have to be rated a 8 9 or 10 with nothing less being allowed and if the site gets paid enough money from the movie studio then fore very 8 10 other 10s to keep the rating high. All because people come in here and rip crappy products.

If you really wanted to say FU to imdb do not give amazon any business.


It's going to become a bit hard to keep track of shows that air/hiatus/release date with IMDb boards being gone and all. :-/


This is the first I'm hearing of it and while there are more important things going on in the world and I won't be losing any sleep, I'm still deeply disappointed. I enjoyed the boards and never tried to be argumentative just for the sake of being a dick. The discussions and back-and-forths were fun. So long to everyone and I wish you all well (except for the trolls).


It sucks, it's one of the few things that really sets IMDb apart from other random rating sites. Having actual discussion with people about movies is the best part about it. I suspect traffic for the site is going to plummet.


There is a new site being set up here:

It is just bare bones atm, but I am hoping it will grow into something awesome.
