You are clearly SUFFERING from T.D.S.~ Trump Derangement Syndrome!!!!!!! "Dark Times"????? You are VERY WEAK MINDED and EASILY EXPLOITED by those in the VERY MINORITY in America that hate Trump Because they themselves are seriously mentally unstable! Hollywood and the LGBTQ despise Trump because he's an "alpha male"........ Obongo DESTROYED AMERICA for 8 years but was worshipped by the 5% in America...... Obongo was clearly OUT OF HIS LEAGUE being a leader of anything, NEVERMIND A LEADER OF A SUPERPOWER! Every president in America was NOT 100% beloved, not Washington, not Lincoln, not F.D.R and not even Reagan! But yet, there are those mentally unstable zombies that hate Washington because he was a slave owner, etc. (such as Luke Skywalker also owning "slaves")..... However, his DESTINY played a much larger part in American history that was overall BETTER for America to have WON the war vs. Britain! Please do NOT tell me that America is was better off to have lost the revolution war! But as long as the 5% in America love Obongo, then that's fine? If America is entering "dark times"~ then why are THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS trying to ramrod into the American border, if Trump is "Hitler" and a "sexist" and a "bigot" and BLAH - BLAH - BLAH????? You are PATHETIC and a Koward w/a Kapital "K" !!!