MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > I want a Chirrut Îmwe & Baze Prequel

I want a Chirrut Îmwe & Baze Prequel

Chirrut Îmwe's fighting was possibly my favorite "force" related fighting scenes in any SW movie(next to some of the Darth Maul scenes). And I absolutely loved the dynamic btw him & Baze. They need a sort of Buddy cop movie set in the EU. Also I would love some official Old Republic movies, and Guardian of the Whills oriented stories.

R1 proves there's so much more they can cultivate from this universe. I wasnt a fan of last years installment whatsoever. But if Disney can release movies of this caliber, Ill still be a happy SW fan (for the full 40 years)maybe even without bothering with any more Skywalker soap opera.

Also RIP Carrie/Leia (my first true fanboy crush). And Yay to Felicity/Jinn my newest.


^^^^ I second all of that. The Whills monk and his ways with the Force in combination with his more grounded, sceptic friend where the best SW character dynamic since long. They totally deserve some separate story. 

🐾Dictated but not read 🐾


They are getting a prequel. I think it's either a comic book or a novel.


Day one purchase for me! Baze and Chirrut were some of my favorite characters in R1, if not the whole Star Wars saga.


'Prequel' and Star Wars have a bad connotation. When will you wake up and smell the turds? 💩

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"



The best blind crime fighter since Daredevil.


I'm down. I'd watch that.

Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!


Then we can see how they fell in love!


Honestly, I just have no interest in these short-term characters who are overrated yet inexplicably popular for long periods of time. Characters like Boba Fett, Darth Maul, and now, these two.

Don't get me wrong. I thought they were pretty cool for such little screen time they received. But that's the problem for me. Not only did they each have only one movie to show how cool they were, but they didn't even get most of any of those movies either. They each get maybe a single moment to define themselves, and then, they immediately have outlived themselves. They are the kinds of characters I just don't want to understand that much, but rather just want to see them do cool stuff and look badass.

It doesn't help the way they all died either. Boba Fett died in a rather clumsy manner. Darth Maul got cut in half before we learned a bloody thing about him as a character (don't bring up the TV series). And these two characters in Rogue One, I still have no idea what their motivations were throughout the movie and until they died; they were just there for the ride and never left. And because we've seen how all of these characters met their ends, it's hard to give them a compelling prequel story that ultimately builds up and concludes with the established deaths they received.


That's how all heroes are and the mythical legends which surround them, made out to be something much more than the original story.

This isn't to say such fables are outright lies, in deeper truth, these are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We can relate to them by both their traits which they're known for and their accomplishments revealed later on through a backstory.



Instead of a prequel, how about a sequel to Rogue One, in which Chirrut + Baze and also our new young lovers, Jyn and Cassian survive in the ending of Rogue one with a new romance budding and then helping the "MANY BOTHAMS THAT DIED TO GIVE CRITICAL INFORMATION" of the new death star in Return Of The Jedi, when Mon Mantha says this at the rebel alliance rendezvous in deep space? BOOM!!!!! There it is....... Kathleen Kennedy blew up a huge opportunity to a rogue one sequel....... As Yoda would say: "PATHETIC, KATHLEEN KENNEDY IS" !!!


My thoughts exactly.
