Darth Vader didn't look quite right?
He seemed to be a little shorter and fatter.
"I have a Galactic dream!"
Well, I can certainly see it now.
shareHe demeanor was different, but that's not the only thing that stood out.
He seemed to be a little shorter and fatter.Hm? I don't know about that, but he did seem not as muscular. More importantly somehow there was a minor error or two in his neck armor, but it's something only somebody with a sensitive attention to continuity of detail would notice. share
I should clarify. His body just seemed different but yeah his torso seemed different.
IIRC they had the moulds for his mask.
Also I believe they used two different actors for the two different Vadar scenes.
Somehow the costume didn't seem to fit the actors perfectly. Either the costume should've been scaled or the somebody with a build closer to Prowse's and Anderson's found.
sharePretty sure it's the same actor in the suit for both scenes and the second actor credited as Darth Vader is the one in the Bacta tank.
sharePretty sure it's the same actor in the suit for both scenes and the second actor credited as Darth Vader is the one in the Bacta tank.That makes perfect sense. share
The stuntman(men) who wore the suit for R1 were several inches taller than Dave Prowse. Not sure why Vader would seem shorter. Optical illusion maybe.
shareActually one of the stuntmen was Prowse's height. Couldn't find the stats for the other guy.
I read somewhere they used another guy for the reshoot. The scene I believe was Vader's fight scene.
Spencer Wilding was the primary suit-wearer and he is 6'7", a full two inches taller than Prowse at 6'5". I'm still trying to find the article I read that referenced a second stuntman but the guy you see as Vader for most of the time he appears on screen is Wilding.
shareStill looked better then Hayden in the suit but.
The guy that played Darth Vader during the encounter with Krennic scene in Rogue One was Spencer Wilding who is 6'7" who is one inch taller than David Prowse and the guy that played Vader at the end of the movie is Daniel Naprous who is 6'5" and he is a little thicker than Spencer Wilding because I seen a video of Daniel on YouTube, he's a horseback rider. I contacted Team Naprous on Facebook inquiring about his height and they replied back with 6'5".
shareIt because of all of that fried, greasy food on Mustafar.
shareHe walked faster and swishier and his pants looked off, bedazzled maybe