MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > I'm glad the boards are closing down.

I'm glad the boards are closing down.

These boards were made for movie discussion, and the worst of the community can seen on the Rogue One threads. It became filled with stupid accusations of political agendas and overuse of the same jokes meant to spite JJ Abrams and Kathleen's Kennedy. There are better places to discuss movies, especially when this website really wasn't a place to discuss movies anymore.


Yes it got out of hand, couldn't talk about the movie or film making just negitive everything. Been on IMDB for ten years and it got worst every year.


I have also been an avid reader of this site for years. Sadly the trolls have multiplied ten fold recently. It may only be a small core of Muppets with multiple accounts, but they've ruined it for the rest.
I'll miss the boards but not the the illiterate vegetables that think they are the next generation of wannabes.
Sadly they'll just troll elsewhere and ruin another site.


Too bad that these boards have decayed to such a level that you can no longer have a conversation about a movie or TV show, without it descending into venom, anger and name calling. It's ok to disagree, be angry and have a rant once in a while, but the situation here has gone beyond that.

Too bad that the rest of us have to pay the price...

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


It's really sad that the boards are being closed down, I actually enjoyed the discussions on here.



And could you perhaps point out one or two of these "better place" web sites, oranui?

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I'd be okay with this decision if the boards were archived for viewing, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Why not just disable the boards for specific movies that spark contention?

Personally, I have no further use for this site once the message boards are gone and I hope many others abandon it as well.


I get that the trolls got out of hand. But this is a rather bitter, cowardly attitude to take... (being glad that the boards will be shut down). If it bothered you that much just don't use IMDb message boards and go to other forums.

"The mission... the nightmares... there... finally... over." - ARCtrooper Fives


I don't see why they couldn't have mods on these boards who are ruthless, and any trolling is met with the troll's account being disabled.

I have been on other boards where mods are more Nazi-like, and sometimes too OTT.This is the complete opposite to IMDB, where it is left to you to put someone on "ignore".

So, why not, instead of getting rid of the boards, just start hiring mods to "police" the boards, and make sure that they don't descend into chaos.

I'll put my hand up to be a mod.


i am betting it s a excuse to make you pay for imdb pro


But what would be the point in that since there are no more boards for that either.


👏 that's how liberty dies with thunderous a bunch of whiny manchildren who cannot handle contentious debate.👏

🐾Dictated but not read 🐾
