MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > how do 50 heavily armed guys somehow fai...

how do 50 heavily armed guys somehow fail to wipe out

100 or even 300 walkers? it didn't seem to be more than a few hundred at most.

even when they were on the steps. if they all took up positions and used controlled fire they could have killed them all there. only like a dozen walkers could approach them at that location.

just ridiculous that lead guy became a walker? he and the others could have ran away or hid.


untrained thugs who suck at aiming for the head and limited ammo. they maybe all had 60 rounds on them at most... some probably only what was in their mag


Not to mention they wasted at least half the ammo celebrating their "victory".


Its still dumb though. How could these guys not get away when they were in an empty town and up feakin steps. It made no sense.


Some of them got away and ran like cowards. I think that was the point of the scene. They walk and talk like bad asses, but they were scared to death of the zombies. They though they'd have a well protected fortress full of weak people. They weren't prepared for uncontrolled zombie hordes.

I understood that, but I was laughing at how the almost dead pharmacist full of drugs had enough energy to make it to the bus, start it up, and drive it that far undetected.

the scene could've been concieved better, but I found it fun enough.


They could have just stayed tight, slowly backing up, while concentrating their fire, assuming they knew that only a shot to the head would take the walkers down. As armed and tough as they thought they were, bullies usually fold and flee when faced with a REAL danger. The fact that they wasted about a hundred bullets celebrating, shows what kind of mentality we're dealing with here.

By the way, what is it about guys pointing machine guns in the air and firing off the whole clip? It's like some kind of male ejaculation. Don't Palestinians do this all the time?



poor writing to show the guys being walkers at the end. it'd have made sense if they were trapped somehow or shown to be running out of bullets


1) They were assault rifles, not "machine guns."

2) They wasted hundreds of rounds, not "about a hundred bullets."

Still, anyone with half a brain would've herded the walkers through one of the narrow alleys and cut them down that way. It could be done with minimal ammunition and a little bit of lighter fluid to trim down the number of walkers.


Because it's FTWD. It's a show where you see random people do things that no living human would ever do in reality.


Can you proof that humans at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse would actually learn fast how to survive? For many it takes time to adapt to a new world so the writing for the show is logical.


Your correct. First orders are everyone go to semi auto only. Take two shooters and start shooting the walkers at the base of the steps. When they run out of ammo the next two shooters step up and etc. They had a "choke point" there, but didn't take advantage of it. They also lacked a "plan B". It was bad tactical planning (or writing).


Everything that happens on this show is so stupid.


That's just one of the things you have to accept about TWD universe.

Guns in the hands of main characters are deadly one-shot kill aimbot weapons. Guns in the hands of anyone else are generally 99.9% miss with heavily nerfed damage.

If you don't accept that - forget the drug gang - please enlighten us all on how this outbreak of lurching corpses manages to overrun police, let alone the actual military?

No. In the real world - if such a virus existed... even if it sprang up by surprise... sure there would be some problems at the outset and it'd be annoying to have to stab people in the head when they die... maybe the occasional incident... but mostly people would just close doors and let the authories clean up. As a matter of life, it'd be something people are used to very fast.

Your average idiot human with a gun would probably have a 100:1 kill ratio... an actual soldier... 1000:1?

They would certainly not destroy cities and entire populations.





Exactly. TWD and FTWD are not intended for critical thinking; so just shut off your brain and enjoy the ride, or else move along.


coz they're mexicans? so like most blacks have terribly accurate they can't shot worth shyt


Because the writers of the show was trying to show how retarded this puta thugs were. If you really expected intelligence from low lives and comparing with Rick from TWD makes no sense since he use to be a cop.
